Thursday, June 30, 2005

NeuroscienceCME. com Launches New Alcohol Use Disorders Clinical Knowledge Center

NeuroscienceCME. com Launches New Alcohol Use Disorders Clinical Knowledge Center

Web-based resource for addiction professionals offers education, guidelines, references, etc.

Rockville, MD (PRWEB) January 2, 2007

CME Outfitters, LLC, (CMEO), an independent accredited provider of multidisciplinary continuing education programming and related healthcare communications services, announces the release of a new Clinical Knowledge Center on its flagship professional website, http://www. neuroscienceCME. com (http://www. neuroscienceCME. com). This latest Clinical Knowledge Center focuses on alcohol use disorders and is offered as a service to the addiction clinical professional community.

Clinical Knowledge Centers form the cornerstone of neuroscienceCME. com and provide in-depth treatments of various disease areas related to the neurosciences. The Alcohol Use Disorders Clinical Knowledge Center joins previously released Centers in the areas of bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Several additional Centers are scheduled for rollout in 2007.

The Alcohol Use Disorders Clinical Knowledge Center features resources such as:

Clinical overviews: presentation, epidemiology, definitions, management Interactive case vignettes Journal scans Teaching resources Free CME/CE opportunities Recent treatment guidelines Clinical trial directory Slide kits

All content on neuroscienceCME. com Clinical Knowledge Centers is independently developed by CMEO in collaboration with CMEO's professional Clinical Review Board. This Board is made up of clinicians, researchers, and educators with expertise in specific areas of the neurosciences. Their editorial and scientific input helps ensure the validity and clinical relevance of each Center.

Clinicians are encouraged to visit the site often, as new Clinical Knowledge Centers, up-to-date news, information, and meeting highlights will be added on a regular basis. Announcements about new content are provided via the bi-weekly neuroscienceCME Clinical Compass™ e-newsletter, which currently has an opt-in subscriber base of over 53,000 healthcare professionals.

CMEO recently launched neuroscienceCME. com to fill an online resource gap identified by clinicians practicing in disciplines related to brain function. The site's primary mission is to be the healthcare professional's central portal for accessing, debating, synthesizing, and implementing the latest findings and best practices in the neurosciences. Resources on the site encourage healthcare providers to explore the latest evidence, connect with their peers, apply education in practice and in virtual case studies, and, through these efforts, advance the field and improve patient outcomes.

CME Outfitters develops and distributes live, recorded, print, and web-based educational activities to thousands of clinicians each year and offers expert accreditation services for non-accredited organizations. For a complete catalog of certified activities, please visit http://www. cmeoutfitters. com (http://www. cmeoutfitters. com), http://www. neuroscienceCME. com (http://www. neuroscienceCME. com), or call 877.CME. PROS (877.263.7767).

Contact: Christopher Perez

CME Outfitters, LLC

240.243.1303 direct

240.465.5524 fax


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Teaching Point Expands Course Materials

Teaching Point Expands Course Materials

Teaching-Point is/has developed with master teachers a complete series of teacher preparation materials for use in the classroom. These subject and grade specific standard aligned materials will be invaluable to any teacher.

(PRWEB) May 14, 2004

Dear Educators and Administrators:

Were you just assigned to teach a new subject or have you been assigned out-of-field? Or, do you want to publish your course materials?

Teaching-Point is/has developed with master teachers a complete series of teacher preparation materials for use in the classroom. These subject and grade specific standard aligned materials will be invaluable to any teacher. Maybe you are looking for material to supplement what you have been using. Please visit the Teaching Point web site to review complete course materials available now. Outside of what is listed, other materials will be available for the 2004 school year. A table of contents and samples are on the web site for all current course offerings. Included in the complete materials are course syllabus, daily lesson plans for the whole year, labs and activities (where applicable), worksheets, class notes for use on overhead, tests and keys. We look forward to hearing from you. For course information, call Steven E. Orr toll-free at (877) 494-0550, ext. 225.

Click here to view information regarding classroom materials at

Http://www. teaching-point. net/ (http://www. teaching-point. net/) or click below for specific course links:

(37) Available now: Advanced Chemistry Algebra 1 Algebra2 Biology British Lit. Chemistry Civics Computer Science Environmental Science Geometry Latin Grammar Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Calculus Computer Science HTML1 HTML2 9th English Comp. 10th English Lit. and Comp. American Literature Journalism TV Production Advanced Chemistry Chemistry HTML Marine Science Physics Middle School Civics and Economics Speech Physical Science US History World Geography World Literature Modern World History Classroom Management Blackboard ExamView Discount

(65) Course Titles for Summer-Fall 2004 Release:

Art (1): Photography; Business (3): Keyboarding, Office Procedures, Computer Applications; English (13): African-American Lit., Creative Writing, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Language Arts, English 10, English Honors 11, Honors Journalism, Middle School ESE, Secondary ESL; Family and Consumer Science (2): Life Management, Interior Design; Foreign Language (3): French 1 & 2, Spanish 1; Math (3): Pre-Algebra, 4th and 5th Grade Math; Science (14): Honors Biology, AP Biology, Honors Chemistry, Earth Science (Middle School and High School), 2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th Grade Science, Anatomy & Physiology, Health Science, Honors Physics, Advanced Physics, Integrated Science, College Environmental Science; Social Studies (10): Pre-Man to Age of Discovery, U. S. History through present, Contemporary U. S. History (WWII to present), Advanced American History, American Government, Psychology, Advanced Psychology, Sociology, Western Civilization, IB History of the Americas; Teaching Techniques (6): Best Practices, Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction, Your Character Counts, SCANS Skills, Teacher to Teacher

If you wish to receive notice of new course materials, click here.

Complied with CAN-SPAM Law of 2003. If you do not wish to receive notice of new course materials, reply with “unsubscribe” as the subject. If you wish to continue, reply with “subscribe.”

Teaching Point Inc. 6900 Philips Hwy Suite #11 Jacksonville, FL 32216 904-296-0212

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Dissecting California's Prop 5: The Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act

Dissecting California's Prop 5: The Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act

Supporters of a new initiative appearing on the California ballots next week say it has the potential, if passed, to be the first step to restructuring our nation's drug laws. Those who oppose it claim it gives criminals a "get out of jail free" card.

Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) November 1, 2008

According to the proponents of Proposition 5, the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (NORA) would ease prison overcrowding by investing in drug treatment with strict accountability for youth and nonviolent offenders. California's nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office estimates that, if passed, Prop 5 would cut state costs by $2.5 billion or more; the price of drug treatment is statistically far less than that of a prison sentence.

Prop 5 would would place nonviolent drug offenders in one of three different levels of care and supervision, based on their criminal history and drug problem severity. Participants who fail at the lower levels could be moved up to the more intensive levels, or could be jailed for noncompliance. Completing the prescribed course of treatment can lead to the participant's drug offense being dropped from his or her criminal record.

"California has been a pioneer in restructuring our nation's drug laws towards focusing more on treating drug abuse as an illness instead of a crime," says filmmaker Kevin Booth, creator of the Showtime television documentary American Drug War: The Last White Hope. Booth's Sacred Cow Productions released a short video on YouTube about Prop 5 titled "Vote YES on Prop 5" (http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=5BZxIFkeu_Q (http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=5BZxIFkeu_Q)) and appeared on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Radio Show on Friday, October 31, to discuss the proposition.

US Drug Czar John Walters made news recently when he spoke out in favor of limited drug decriminalization in Mexico. "Apparently recognizing the damage done to Mexico by its war on drugs, and seeing the related increasing violence as a potential threat to U. S. security, Walters praised a plan by Mexican president Felipe Calderón to drop prosecution for possession of small amounts of illegal drugs, including marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Under Calderón's plan, offenders could choose treatment, instead of jail." - http://usgovinfo. about. com/b/2008/10/29/drug-czar-backs-marijuana-decriminalization. htm (http://usgovinfo. about. com/b/2008/10/29/drug-czar-backs-marijuana-decriminalization. htm)

Included among the many groups supporting Prop 5 are the League of Women Voters of California, the Consumer Federation of California, the California Nurses Association, the California Society of Addiction Medicine, and the California Federation of Teachers, and the Mental Health Association of America.

Opposition to the measure includes Dianne Feinstein, the Los Angeles Times and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. However, the most prominent opposition comes from a number of law enforcement related labor unions whose interests are, as mandated, to keep their members employed. The state prison guards' union alone has contributed almost $2 million to TV ads going against the measure.

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MillionÂ’s of AmericanÂ’s are Living with Ticking Time Bombs

MillionÂ’s of AmericanÂ’s are Living with Ticking Time Bombs

Soon millions are going to learn they are in danger of dying in their own yard and they could lose their home because they canÂ’t afford to fix the problem. And they wonÂ’t get much help from the Health Dept.

(PRWEB) November 12, 2004

Michael LaBasso was practicing archery at his Long Island, NY home in September of 2001 when suddenly the ground gave way and he was sucked 20 feet to the bottom of his backyard cesspool. It took 18 hours to dig out the body and the Health Dept. warns there are thousands more of these tragedies waiting to happen. But it is not just on Long Island; it is all over the country, and replacing these systems is going cost billions putting many homeowners in financial peril.

Today almost one third of the homes in the US uses a septic system (the majority of them located in and around major cities). When done properly, they are better/cheaper than a treatment facility. But unfortunately about two thirds of those systems are now illegal and potentially deadly.

From 1950 to 1980 people began leaving the cities for the suburbs in record numbers. Because these homes did not have public utilities available yet developers put these homes on cesspools with the understanding the treatment plants would soon follow. But like many of these planning proposals, it didnÂ’t happen that way. Now itÂ’s 30, 40 even 50 years later and many of these homes are still using those systems that were only supposed to last 5-7 years and these aging systems are getting weak and caving in. But it is more than the danger these systems pose to residents; it is going to be a huge financial burden as well.

Most areas of the country began outlawing cesspools in the 1980Â’s because they were a pollution nightmare. These deep style systems are pits dug in the yard with a concrete or wooden top and covered with topsoil. The [pollution] problem is, these systems are so deep they often discharge directly into an underground water table and those tables feed into lakes, rivers, oceans and even drinking water supplies.

That took care of the new systems going in, but not the 20 million bad systems already in the ground. And because the state or federal government did not institute a plan to catch the old style systems (requiring systems be upgraded before the home can be sold), they have been transferred from one owner to the next fostering the grandfather myth. However that will soon be changing.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 31 states list septic systems as their second greatest source of groundwater contamination and over the next decade all states will begin making septic system replacement a priority. Unfortunately with the way the government typically handles issues, the homeowners will be struck with huge financial liability (up to $40,000) that will devastate many and in some cases cause people to lose their homes.

A scenario becoming more common is people learn after they purchase a home that the system is illegal and will need to be replaced; the problem is they donÂ’t have the money. They have spent all of their available cash on the down payment and moving expenses, and of course they donÂ’t have any equity built up yet so they canÂ’t borrow against the property.

If they would have been told of this situation before the sale they could have negotiated these repair costs into the selling price of the home or elected to pass on the property. However there are steps people can take to protect their investment (and future) if they are made aware of them.

But even the new systems are a major danger. Now many states are requiring the access covers be exposed for easy access to the tank for servicing. What they are not requiring however are those covers be secured (locking covers are less than $100.00) and this is literally an open invitation for disaster. Over the last 2 years no less than four children and several adults have died by opening these covers and falling in and drowning.

Jim vonMeier is an educator and researcher from Minnesota who leads a nationwide community education program teaching homeowners about septic systems. He is also a writer and has appeared on numerous television and radio (CNN, PBS) programs in long and short form interviews/news stories.

Http://www. septicprotector. com/death. html. htm (http://www. septicprotector. com/death. html. htm)

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Monday, June 27, 2005

Function of Personal Orbs Discovered and Discussed in Dr. F. Lee Aeilts New Book -- "COSMIC MECHANICS: How We Create Reality With Quantum Waves"

Function of Personal Orbs Discovered and Discussed in Dr. F. Lee Aeilts New Book -- "COSMIC MECHANICS: How We Create Reality With Quantum Waves"

Dr. F. Lee Aeilts discovered the purpose and function of the pesky little gossamer orbs that graffiti digital images of people. These diabolical orbs follow people from lifetime to lifetime doing insidious harm. The evidence can be found in Dr. Aeilts' new book, COSMIC MECHANICS: How We Create Reality With Quantum Waves. An orb is a stealthy quantum mechanical demon. For health and sanity, people must get rid of them. Dr. Aeilts' quantum mechanical discoveries reveal where personal orbs come from and how they work as mind control devices. He shows how to photograph a fascinating world of unseen beings flying in the air around people, watching and manipulating their reality.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 29, 2007

Dr. F. Lee Aeilts released his discoveries about the 200 trillion year old orbs that people carry with them from lifetime to lifetime. The evidence of the existence of these 21 gram insidious wireless quantum computers can be found in Dr. Aeilts' new book, COSMIC MECHANICS: How We Create Reality With Quantum Waves. He discovered the purpose and function of these pesky little gossamer orbs that graffiti digital images of people. These are not out-of-focus rain, snow or dust orbs. These diabolical orbs are the root cause of evil in the world and man's inhumanity to man. They make humans anti-social, incompetent, dull, fearful, sick and robotic.

This knowledge is so counter-intuitive and contrary to what "everybody knows" that the author feels like Galileo Galilei in 1631. With his telescope he discovered a world on the moon, asteroids and the solar system. But everybody "knew the world was flat, as any fool could plainly see" and it was heresy to think that the earth wasn't the center of God's creation. People wouldn't look into his telescope to see for themselves and evaluate the evidence. He was given the death sentence which was later commuted to house arrest until he died. The world needed a new paradigm and the old one had to die off, one funeral at a time. All Galileo and Dr. Aeilts are asking is for people to look and see for themselves.

Dr. Aeilts has a new paradigm for orbs that fits the evidence well but is so shocking and quantum mechanical that it may take a while to catch on. Niels Bohr, the man who mapped the atom, proclaimed that "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it." To understand the anatomy of orbs, people have to confront Quantum Mechanics. In 20,000 years of recorded history no one has so much as guessed that the root cause of evil in the world are these insidiuos orbs that humans take with them between lives. Dr. Aeilts details the many misperceptions that distort reality for humans. That's why the function of orbs was so difficult to discover. But now that scientists have Quantum Mechanics and digital cameras to capture the images of orbs, they have the smoking gun evidence that unembodied beings with orbs are all around them watching and manipulating them.

Dr. Aeilts studied Quantum Physics at the University of Utah and discovered how orbs work. He shows how to photograph unseen beings and critters in the air. Orbs cannot be photographed inside the cranium, but when they come out they reflect the photo flash of a digital camera and leave their mark on the image. Everyone can discover how unembodied, unseen beings can manipulate reality. Every human being must understand this material to discover the "unseen hand." The orb is treacherous and insidious because it stays out of sight and works secretly to destroy people and our culture. Humanity has been duped! People have to raise their awareness. They have to think like a master quantum mind controller to protect themselves from the mind controllers around them. To be successful at any game, people have to know as much as the dealer; and that includes the game of life. If people don't know mind control, they'll be had. They've already been had and they aren't even aware of it.

COSMIC MECHANICS contains the theory and mathematics of a unified theory of everything, from the human's creation of the underlying zero-point quantum field to the creation of matter as wave structures in space. There is no discrete, solid chunk of anything in the whole physical universe. It is all standing waves, an illusion.

Orbs work on a subconscious, quantum mechanical level. They are the reactive mind of every individual. Quantum mechanical circuits in the orb are responsible for all the psychosomatic illnesses of man. These quantum circuits are the "invisible" storehouse of recorded painful experiences which react on people like post-hypnotic commands. Getting rid of these circuits brings greater health, increased abilities, higher IQ, faster reaction time, enhanced creative imagination, amazing vitality, deep relaxation, improved memory, stronger will power, a magnetic personality and good self-control.

It is possible for people to rid themselves of these little demons because orbs have an Achilles heel and can be deleted. After all, they are only robotic quantum circuits; a machine. But it takes mental technology and an extremely responsible person to do it. Go to http://www. cosmicmechanics. com (http://www. cosmicmechanics. com) for more info.


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Johnson & Johnson/Wharton Fellows Program in Management for Nurse Executives Enrolls 1,000th Participant, Celebrates 25th Anniversary: Seventy-five Nurse Leaders Attend the 25th Anniversary Reunion at the Advanced Management Education Conference; Pulitzer Prize-Winning Presidential Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin Discusses "Legacy"

Johnson & Johnson/Wharton Fellows Program in Management for Nurse Executives Enrolls 1,000th Participant, Celebrates 25th Anniversary: Seventy-five Nurse Leaders Attend the 25th Anniversary Reunion at the Advanced Management Education Conference; Pulitzer Prize-Winning Presidential Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin Discusses "Legacy"

The Johnson & Johnson/Wharton Fellows Program in Management for Nurse Executives has enrolled its 1,000th participant as the nursing management program celebrates its 25th anniversary. During the recent alumni reunion, Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) announced plans to fund a full scholarship to the program for a nurse executive from Africa.


 The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania partners with Johnson & Johnson on the annual three-week nurse executive education program, which provides essential management and finance knowledge for chief nursing officers.

"Over the past 25 years, the Wharton Fellows Program has drawn nursing executives from many different places, fostering robust dialogue and diverse viewpoints," says Sharon D'Agostino, vice president, worldwide contributions and community relations at Johnson & Johnson. "With this scholarship, we're looking forward to extending the reach of this program to a nurse in Africa, furthering our commitment to building the skills of people who serve community health needs around the world." The $10,000 scholarship honors the memory of Lois Ginsburg, the long-time administrative head of the program, and funds all expenses. The company also funds tuition costs and some meal expenses for the 40 nurse executives who attend the program annually.

At the recent two-and-a-half-day Advanced Management Education Conference, a biannual reunion event for nurse management program alumni, attendees celebrated the program's 25th year with the theme, "Charting Your Legacy as a Leader." The theme was "in the spirit of further developing these senior nurse leaders," says Gregory P. Shea, PhD, academic director.

Speakers included Doris Kearns Goodwin, the Pulitzer Prize-winning presidential historian and best-selling author, and Nancy Barry, long-time CEO of the Women's World Bank, a pioneering microfinance organization, and founder of Enterprise Solutions to Poverty.

The legacy theme helped provide attendees with a perspective "on where we came from, where we are now, and where we are going," says Richard J. Gannotta, a former chief nursing officer and now chief operating officer of Duke Raleigh Hospital in North Carolina. "The fellows program reunion becomes a reference point, and a source of further inspiration," he added. The recent reunion program offered unique, interactive sessions with professional artists -- a painter, a sculptor, and writers, including Kelley White, MD, a nationally acclaimed poet and practicing physician. Exploring creativity this way fuels thinking outside the box, Gannotta explains. "It stimulates the right side of the brain. And that approach stays true to Wharton's reputation for cutting-edge and innovative practices."

More generally, the nurse management fellows program helps nurse executives "to continue developing their strategic voice, and their capacity to be a key leader on the executive team," Shea says. It also furnishes skills for managing complex systems, Gannotta adds. "It exposed me to the best minds and the brightest thinking on management, organizational development, and leadership techniques. After attending the fellows program, I went on to achieve a number of professional accomplishments, which added significant value to the hospital's culture, clinical operations, and bottom line."

Catherine Hughes, vice president for Patient Care at Virtua Health in Berlin, N. J., says the knowledge gleaned from the program proved critical in helping Virtua's Chief Nurse Executive team, all Wharton Fellows, to make the business case for additional training resources to implement an electronic medical record system. "It allowed us to speak the language of business to each other and understand what we mean. Now we use that language every day," Hughes says. The nurse executives "have a new level of clarity as executive leaders. They are better able to relate the complexities of finance to the quality of outcomes."

The next Johnson & Johnson/Wharton Fellows Program in Management for Nurse Executives program is scheduled for June 1-20.

Executive Education at the Wharton School

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania -- founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school -- is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. The most comprehensive source of business knowledge in the world, Wharton bridges research and practice through its broad engagement with the global business community. The School has more than 4,600 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 10,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and an alumni network of more than 82,000 graduates.

Informed by in-depth, groundbreaking academic research and extensive industry experience, Wharton Executive Education programs can span anywhere from a few days to six weeks or longer. Each executive education program offers a supportive and challenging context where participants gain the skills necessary for their next level of executive development. Participants who come to Wharton from a diverse range of industries engage with faculty who are the most cited, most published faculty of all top-tier business schools. With a profound influence upon global business, Wharton faculty are the sought-after, trusted advisors of corporations and governments worldwide.

About Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson is the world's most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets. The more than 250 Johnson & Johnson operating companies employ approximately 119,000 men and women in 57 countries and sell products throughout the world.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

TechTarget Adds Construction and Retail Categories to its 2020software. com Web site

TechTarget Adds Construction and Retail Categories to its 2020software. com Web site

Information technology (IT) media company TechTarget, Inc. announced today the addition of Retail and Construction categories to its 2020software. com™ Web site. 2020software. com is focused exclusively on providing small - and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) approaching a business software purchase decision with detailed feature comparison information and access to trial software.

Needham, MA (PRWEB) April 3, 2007

Information technology (IT) media company TechTarget, Inc. announced today the addition of Retail and Construction categories to its 2020software. com™ Web site. 2020software. com is focused exclusively on providing small - and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) approaching a business software purchase decision with detailed feature comparison information and access to trial software. Featuring a "best of breed" or "short list" approach, 2020software. com users can access the Top 7 software solutions vendors in the Enterprise Solutions, Manufacturing ERP Solutions, Mid-Market Accounting Software, HR Software, Business Analytics, CRM Solutions, Hosted CRM, Healthcare, and now, Retail and Construction categories.

"Our research of the Top 50 construction industry software vendors - with combined annual sales of $4.1 billion -- and the Top 50 retail software vendors -- with combined annual sales of $3.5 billion -- indicates potential high demand for a marketing vehicle like 2020software. com," said Mike Wallace, VP, Group Publisher, TechTarget. "With the addition of these segments to 2020software. com, we can now offer software vendors in these categories a direct line to SMB prospects, and provide decision makers in these categories with access to the comparative data needed to make informed IT purchase decisions quickly and efficiently."

"Additionally, within the past 12 months, over 2.4 million Web searches were made against construction software and related terminology, including project management, job management, estimating and scheduling. And for the same period there were over 3.3 million Web searches made using retail software and related terminology including point of sale, inventory management and supply chain management, indicating the Web is firmly established as a primary pre-purchase research tool for both of these categories," concluded Wallace.

Since SMB technology purchases are typically made directly by business owners or managers with minimal IT experience, and within shorter sales cycles than an enterprise-level purchase, 2020software. com provides a Compare By Product Directory limited to a total of 15 technology vendors in each individual category and presenting side-by-side product comparisons by product name, modules, technology platform and competitive advantages. The Compare By Product Directory also allows decision makers to request multiple software demonstrations, and is further enhanced with Vendor Product Profile Pages providing details on specific vendors and product attributes.

"The 2020software. com model is a great tool for reaching our typical purchaser, the construction business owner or manager who needs a software solution for a real-time business challenge," said Deb Carpenter-Beck, Marketing Director for Sage Software, providers of business management solutions specifically tailored for the construction and real estate industries including Sage Master Builder and Sage Timberline Office. "Prospects generated through 2020software. com get the comparative information they desire quickly. 2020software. com is an effective way for us to connect with these people."

Within the Construction category 2020software. com will emphasize project management, job management and scheduling software segments; and for the Retail category emphasis will be on point of sale, inventory management and supply chain management software segments. Client companies currently featured in the Construction category include Sage Timberline, Jonas Software and Moraware Job Management Software. Client companies currently featured in the Retail category are CORESense and Datavanatage/CommercialWare.

About TechTarget
TechTarget is a leading provider of specialized online content that brings together buyers and sellers of corporate IT products. TechTarget sells customized marketing programs that enable IT vendors to reach corporate IT decision makers who are actively researching specific IT purchases. TechTarget operates a network of 35 websites, each of which focuses on a specific IT sector, such as storage, security or networking. IT professionals rely on TechTarget's websites for key decision support information tailored to their specific areas of responsibility. TechTarget complements its online offerings with targeted in-person events and three specialized IT magazines that enable advertisers to engage buyers throughout their decision-making process for IT purchases. As IT professionals have become increasingly specialized, they have come to rely on TechTarget's sector specific websites for purchasing decision-support. TechTarget's content enables IT professionals to navigate the complex and rapidly changing IT landscape where purchasing decisions can have significant financial and operational consequences. Since its founding in 1999, TechTarget has developed a broad customer base that now comprises more than 1,000 active advertisers who placed business with the company in 2006, including Cisco, Dell, EMC, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Research in Motion, SAP and Symantec.

TechTarget is a registered trademark of TechTarget, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Parents Pick Coolest Back-to-School Supplies & Fashions with Advice at FamilyEducation

Parents Pick Coolest Back-to-School Supplies & Fashions with Advice at FamilyEducation

Popular Site Offers Parenting Tips & K-12 Student Information for a Happy, Successful School Year

Boston, MA (PRWEB) August 12, 2008

Before they head out to the mall to do their back-to-school shopping, parents can visit FamilyEducation to be sure they have the coolest back-to-school supplies (http://school. familyeducation. com/slideshow/back-to-school/51137.html) and the latest fashion trends on their children's shopping lists. And with the National Retail Federation predicting that the average family with school - age children will spend about $600 on back-to-school shopping, FamilyEducation offers parents tips on ways to minimize the impact on their pocketbooks, while ensuring their children have everything they need.

Of course, every parent knows that the most important thing is for kids to go back to school ready to learn and FamilyEducation offers a special K-12 Grade-by-Grade Guide: What Will Your Child Learn This School Year (http://school. familyeducation. com/elementary-school/high-school/57914.html)? For each grade, the guide offers information about what parents can expect will be happening in their children's classrooms in math, reading, science and social studies. Plus, parents will find learning activities for kids that will help sharpen their skills in these important subjects.

"Back to school is both an exciting and nervous time for parents and kids. With FamilyEducation's wealth of information about how to prepare for this momentous event, families will know how to prepare kids for a happy, successful school year," said Jess M. Brallier, publisher, Family Education Network. "They will learn everything from what to pack in their children's backpacks and lunchboxes to how to be sure their kids are ready for what they will be learning this school year."

Using FamilyEducation's 2008 Back-to-School Countdown Calendar (http://school. familyeducation. com/back-to-school/school/34528.html), parents can ease the transition from summer vacation to the first day of school for their children. Each weekday, the calendar features new in-depth information on a back-to-school topic, such as "Reading Readiness" or "Teens and Back-to-School Worries." Back-to-school activities, advice on parenting (http://school. familyeducation. com/back-to-school/parenting/38700.html) and tips and other important tools for getting kids ready to be successful in school are included for each topic.

FamilyEducation also offers parents a school search tool where they can research specific details about their children's school. They can get information such as test scores, student-teacher ratio and enrollment numbers as well as find out how other parents have rated it and read their comments.

Every parent knows that if kids feel confident at school, they will be more successful. With FamilyEducation's "Hot School Supplies for Back to School" slideshow, parents will know what back-to-school supplies to put on their shopping list. Moms and dads will discover the cool items such as a staple-free stapler, wheeled backpack, vintage lunchboxes and easy-to-use padlocks for lockers that will get their kids excited about going back to school.

After visiting the "Top 2008 Back-to-School Clothes & Fashions (http://life. familyeducation. com/slideshow/clothing-and-dress/51254.html) " slideshow, parents and children can make a shopping list for the mall that includes the hippest trends in back-to-school clothes. This year, ballet flats are the trendy shoe choice for girls with textured tights adding a little flair to any skirt or dress. Meanwhile, boys are donning graphic t-shirts and funky canvas sneakers.

While all parents want to be sure their kids have everything they need to go back to school, in this tight economy it is important to find ways to save. FamilyEducation gives parents the "Top 10 Ways to Save" on back-to-school shopping in a slideshow. Watching for sales at their favorite stores, clipping coupons, shopping online and visiting dollar stores and garage sales are among the cost-saving suggestions.

With the site's back-to-school checklist (http://school. familyeducation. com/back-to-school/organization/51197.html) , parents can be sure they have taken care of everything before the big day. The list offers parenting tips for the month before, the night before and the first day of school.

About FamilyEducation
FamilyEducation is the leading online publisher of practical parenting guidance, expert family advice, printables, skill-building exercises and activities for children. FamilyEducation. com is dedicated to educating parents and parents-to-be so they can raise healthy, educated and well-rounded children.

FamilyEducation is part of Pearson, the world's largest integrated education company. Pearson's other primary operations include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group.

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The Diet Joke Receives Prestigious Mom’s Choice Award

The Diet Joke Receives Prestigious Mom’s Choice Award

The Mom's Choice Awards® names The Diet Joke among best in family-friendly products.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) October 30, 2010

The Mom's Choice Awards® (MCA) has named The Diet Joke by Lisa Pedace a Gold Recipient in the category of Adult Books - Health, Nutrition, Fitness & Safety. The awards program recognizes authors, inventors, companies, parents, and others for their efforts in creating quality family-friendly media, products, and services.

The Diet Joke, Pedace’s first book, is a laugh-out-loud, common-sense approach to better health. Filled with hilarious observations, sound advice, and simple reprogramming activities, The Diet Joke encourages readers to avoid the quick-fix and focus on making permanent lifestyle changes.

“I’m proud to be a Mom's Choice Awards® gold recipient. Moms play such an important role in the kinds of lifestyle decisions the whole family makes,” said author Lisa Pedace. “Healthy lifestyles don’t have to mean spending a lot of money on organic foods, diet plans, or expensive gym memberships. It’s simply about making better choices.”

According to Pedace, easy steps the whole family can take immediately to improve their health include skipping soda pop, reducing portion size, adding a fruit or vegetable to each meal, and taking a 30 minute walk each day.

“I think programs like The Biggest Loser send the wrong message about health. It says ‘get active,’ but then it shows grueling sessions in the gym with trainers yelling and contestants puking. It says ‘eat healthy,’ but then it has a cupcake elimination challenge where contestants have to scarf down cupcakes to win immunity. Everybody cries. It’s all backwards to me.”

Pedace, who’s a comic and actress said, “I’ve been watching my weight for decades. I’m not vegan, I’m not carb-free, I don’t spend all day in the gym. Every day I try to make good decisions, practice moderation, get some physical activity, and laugh a lot. That’s what the book is all about.”

The Diet Joke is published by Big Shot Press and retails for $14.95. For more information, visit thedietjoke. com.

About the Mom's Choice Awards®

Parents, educators, librarians and retailers rely on MCA evaluations when selecting quality materials for children and families. The Mom's Choice Awards® seal helps families and educators navigate the vast array of products and services and make informed decisions.

The MCA panel of judges includes education, media, and other experts as well as parents, children, librarians, performing artists, producers, medical and business professionals, authors, scientists and others who are bound by a strict code of ethics which ensures expert and objective analysis free from any manufacturer association.

For more information on the awards program and the honorees, visit MomsChoiceAwards. com.


Friday, June 24, 2005

Cooking Tips for the Holiday Season

Cooking Tips for the Holiday Season

Cookbook by best-selling Sur La Table chef presents 250 recipes for family meals and gatherings

(PRWEB) December 3, 2003

“Christy is a talented and dedicated culinary professional and a fantastic cooking teacher. Her cooking classes are so popular and in such demand—she has the unique ability to read her students’ hearts. I have witnessed the magic of her presence when she works.”

—Martin Yan, Host of Yan Can Cook

The Family Table

Where Great Food, Friends, and Family Gather Together

Christy Rost

Foreword by Master Chef Martin Yan of PBS TVÂ’s Yan Can Cook

November 2003  ISBN 1-931868-47-6 $29.95

320 pp., 7 x 9, 2 color 8 page full color insert; 16 photos

Dulles, VA: With the holiday season quickly approaching, many family cooks are panicking about how to feed for the masses of family members who have arrived and what to feed them. You want them to enjoy your food, but you need to have dishes that are easy to prepare. Sur La TableÂ’s best-selling chef Christy Rost presents 250 recipes for gathering your family around the table in her newly release cookbook "THE FAMILY TABLE: Where Great Food, Friends, and Family Gather Together."

  Featuring favorite family recipes from celebrity chefs and authors, such as Master Chef Martin Yan, star of the long-running PBS cooking series Yan Can Cook; restaurateur and vegetarian cookbook author, Claire Criscuolo; cookbook author, radio host, and PBS chef, Lauren Groveman; and Executive Chef William Koval of the historic and elegant Hotel Adolphus in Dallas, Texas, "THE FAMILY TABLE" is a practical volume of recipes for todayÂ’s home cook, emphasizing the beauty of simple foods, local ingredients, reasonably priced wines from around the world, and the joy of dining together as a family.

“I am passionate about family meals,” Rost says. “Gathering together around the table provides us with the opportunity to celebrate the most important things in life—love, family, good health, and good friends. Meals are part of the glue that holds our family together and keeps it close.

  They are the way our family celebrates triumphs large and small, the forum in which we discuss current events, school projects and family vacation plans. For some families, sitting down together for a meal occurs primarily during the holidays, but in our home, family meals have always been a daily ritual.”

According to Rost, the key to successfully preserving the family meal is an arsenal of family-friendly recipes. Inspired by her television cooking/lifestyle show, “Just Like Home,” the recipes in "THE FAMILY TABLE" are designed to assist busy families and couples in getting nutritious, delicious meals on the table day after day, night after night.

  The recipes included in "THE FAMILY TABLE" range from all-American favorites like Homestyle Meatloaf and Sunday Best Mashed Potatoes, to Caribbean, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, and Mexican cuisine. "THE FAMILY TABLE" is divided into four sections: Everyday Meals, Weekends, Entertaining at Home, and Holidays. Within each section, recipes are grouped by type (salads, entrees, side dishes, etc.), and wine suggestions are included with many of the entrée recipes.

  “Even singles will find this book useful in preparing todayÂ’s popular cocktails, quick and easy appetizers, and meals for last-minute get-togethers,” Rost says. “And anyone as fond of entertaining, but as short on time as I, will love 'THE FAMILY TABLEÂ’s' entertaining section, because I believe the focus of entertaining should be more on the guests and less on the event. This section is devoted to recipes and suggestions that make entertaining fun and easy, but oh-so-distinctive.”

  Recipes in "THE FAMILY TABLE" include: Buttermilk Cornbread Muffins, Tomato Galette, Thick and Creamy Tortilla Soup, Grilled Marinated Pork Chops, Cape Cod Rice Pilaf, Apple Cranberry Muffins, German Apple Pancakes, Mango Spinach Salad with Blackberry Vinaigrette, Portabella Mushroom Turnovers, Pink Rum Desire, Berries with Champagne Sabayon, Grilled Lemon Basil Chicken, Rack of Lamb Dijon, Roasted Herbed Pork Loin, Onion Souffle, and Stuffed Zucchini Boasts.

  Christy RostÂ’s culinary career began in early 1992 when she was asked to serve as the food editor for The Park Cities News in Dallas, Texas, a position she still holds. What followed was an outpouring of support and requests. Since then she has hosted cooking seminars with MacyÂ’s, held cooking classes for Sur La Table, hosted her own television cooking show, “Just Like Home,” appeared on several other television cooking shows, including “At Home Live,” and launched a successful culinary career. Christy is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. She can be heard on the radio every Sunday on KRLDÂ’s “The Restaurant Show with Jim White.” Christy takes classical voice lessons and often sings during her cooking classes. She lives with her husband and two sons in Dallas, Texas. Visit her on the Web at www. easyentertain. com.

Monday, June 20, 2005

BASF Corporation Implements Legal Information Governance Solution from PSS Systems

BASF Corporation Implements Legal Information Governance Solution from PSS Systems

BASF Corporation Using Atlas LCC for In-House E-Discovery Workflow, Including Legal Holds and Collections Management

Mountain View, CA (PRWEB) August 12, 2009

PSS Systems (http://www. pss-systems. com), the leading provider of legal information governance (http://www. pss-systems. com/solutions/legal_hold_retention. html) solutions, today announced that BASF Corporation, the North American subsidiary of BASF SE, which is the world's leading chemical company, has implemented Atlas Litigation Communications and Collections (Atlas LCC) to manage its legal holds (http://www. pss-systems. com/solutions/legal_hold. html) and e-discovery (http://www. pss-systems. com/solutions/legal_hold_costcontrol. html) collections.

"Companies need better systems to reduce legal risk as well as discovery and data management costs," said David Stryker, General Counsel of BASF Corporation. "By implementing Atlas LCC, we've been able to reduce risk and costs while driving a better process for legal holds across the company. As the established standard and with its strong focus on customers, PSS Systems was the clear choice for BASF Corporation."

Corporate legal departments can have hundreds or thousands of legal matters and custodians that require data to be preserved and collected. The typical methods of managing -- spreadsheets and emails to custodians and IT -- are not an effective or efficient means of managing complex legal requirements. The courts have shown the risks of poor processes, and rising data volume and discovery costs have led companies to use business systems to manage legal holds and e-discovery data collection. Atlas enables a better process with less effort and allows corporate counsel to continuously forecast discovery costs; it simplifies compliance for IT and employees to enable defensible disposal to reduce total risk and total cost to the corporation.

"We're delighted that BASF Corporation selected Atlas as their legal holds and discovery workflow system. They join the industry leaders in petrochemical, pharmaceutical, financial services and other industries who recognize that Atlas is the best solution for corporate e-discovery workflow challenges," said Deidre Paknad, President and CEO of PSS Systems. "Atlas enables the legal team to reduce the complexity of multiple holds and over-lapping custodians and collections while also providing the IT department with an efficient solution for managing holds and collections across hundreds or thousands of assets and employees. As a result, our customers better coordinate across legal and IT to eliminate unnecessary legal risk, discovery and data management costs."

Atlas is the gold standard for legal information governance proven by more than 210,000 active holds under management involving more than 15 million custodians and petabytes of data collected, 100,000 retention schedules globally and end users in over 100 countries. Used by leading Global 1000 companies, including 5 of the Fortune 10 and 5 of the global 10 as well as the 5 largest oil, pharmaceutical, financial services, manufacturing, and healthcare companies, Atlas is the trusted solution for world-class companies. The Atlas Suite is the only end-to-end solution for corporate legal, IT, records and business users designed and built on a single, cohesive governance platform.

About PSS Systems:
PSS Systems helps companies eliminate unnecessary legal risk, and discovery and data management costs. Its Atlas suite is the recognized leader in legal information governance with customers like Abbott, Amgen, BASF, BP, Citigroup, ConocoPhillips, First Data, GE, Merrill Lynch, Pfizer, Travelers and Williams. PSS is the innovator that started the legal holds market in 2004 and has the largest concentration of customers and domain experts anywhere. PSS is a trusted business partner to its customers, offering expert insight, best-in-class software, and continuous innovation to address emerging challenges. PSS founded and sponsors the Compliance, Governance and Oversight Council (CGOC) as a part of its commitment to advancing corporate retention and preservation practices. The company is based in Mountain View, California. For more information, visit www. pss-systems. com.

Media Contact:
Leyl Master Black
Leyl (at) corp. sparkpr. com


Sunday, June 19, 2005

Olympian and Coach to Some of the World's Greatest Athletes Offers Holiday Survival Guide: Party Tips to Keep the Weight Off

Olympian and Coach to Some of the World's Greatest Athletes Offers Holiday Survival Guide: Party Tips to Keep the Weight Off

Chris Carmichael, member of the U. S. Olympic Cycling Team and Coach to Lance Armstrong, provides tips for healthy holiday eating.

(PRWEB) December 12, 2005

Chris Carmichael, Olympian, best-selling author (“Chris Carmichael’s Food for Fitness” and “Chris Carmichael’s Fitness Cookbook”) and coach to some of the world’s greatest athletes including seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong, offers his winning formula for keeping the weight off this holiday season by providing his “Top 5 Things You Should and Should Not Do” to avoid the inevitable post-holiday weight gain.

“The holiday season is roughly five weeks long, but many people are still dealing with its impact on body weight and fitness up to six months later,” according to Chris Carmichael. “You don’t have to lose that which you don’t gain. I have used the following guidance to help thousands of clients navigate through the holiday season without gaining unnecessary pounds or sacrificing fun.”

The Top 5 Things You Should Do:

1. Step away from the buffet table: The closer you stand to the food, the more of it you’re going to eat. Remember that you’re at the party to socialize with friends and family. Visit the food, and then find a good location away from it for people watching and catching up.

2. Shorten your workouts: Just because you’re schedule is packed, that’s no reason to forego exercise. Even short workouts are beneficial. On top of burning calories to keep the weight off, workouts that are even 15-30 minutes will help keep your normal fitness routine from deteriorating.

3. Seek healthy food options: Cranberries are packed with antioxidants and sweet potatoes are full of beta-carotene and quality protein. Want a simple dish to take to a party? Slice sweet potato wedges, spray lightly with olive oil, and sprinkle with sea salt and cayenne pepper before baking at 350 degrees until soft in the middle and crispy on the outside (about 20 minutes).

4. Drink wisely: Beer has fewer calories per ounce, but wine is served in smaller quantities. A four-ounce glass of wine has about 90 calories, and a pint of beer has about 150-160. Cocktails can be a relatively low-calorie option, but only if you choose low-calorie or no-calorie mixers like tonic water.

5. Fill your plate: Go through the buffet line and fill your plate. One full plate will likely contain fewer calories than you’ll accumulate with several small trips, especially if you reserve at least one-third of your plate for vegetables.

The Top 5 Things You Shouldn’t Do:

1. Don’t go to the party hungry: Having a snack or a small meal before heading out to the party will keep you from gorging yourself. The best foods for this snack are high in fiber or low on the glycemic index, because these are the most filling. Try whole grains like a vegetable stir fry over whole grain rice, or low-fat cheese on whole grain crackers.

2. Don’t let stress wear you down: People make poor decisions when we’re tired and stressed out. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture of the holiday season. Find the days and weeks that will be tough because of schedules, parties, and travel as well as the days where you can recuperate and pencil in time for yourself.

3. Don’t keep leftover sweets: Make your home your refuge from the holiday dessert overload. It’s one thing to keep leftover turkey for lunches and dinners, but give the extra pie and cookies to someone else. Take them into the office the next day, but don’t keep them in your house. If no one will take them, toss them.

4. Don’t close down the party: Make a memorable appearance at the party, socialize, eat, drink, thank the host, and then find a reason to leave. The longer you stay, the more you will eat and drink, and the later it gets, the more you’re likely to overindulge, in a variety of ways.

5. Don’t skip your favorite treats: The holidays bring out foods specific to the season, including favorites you’ve been waiting all year to have again. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of your favorites, but don’t waste calories on sweets and high-fat dishes you don’t really like at any time of year. Choose your indulgences wisely.

Chris Carmichael concludes with the following advice, “It’s important to keep the holiday season in perspective and do your best to maintain your normal routines. Continue exercising, but don’t obsess about every calorie you put in your mouth or burn off with activity. And even if you start to gain weight, it’s not the end of the world; just keep your gains under control. Three to five pounds will melt off within a few weeks after the holidays, but it could take well into the spring to shed 15. Above all, stay safe and enjoy the opportunities this season presents to spend more time with friends and loved ones.”

Chris Carmichael is a member of the 1984 U. S. Olympic Cycling Team, the coach of seven-time Tour de France Champion Lance Armstrong, bestselling author of “Chris Carmichael’s Food for Fitness” and “Chris Carmichael’s Fitness Cookbook,” and founder of Carmichael Training Systems. To sign up for the free Essentials for Nutrition e-newsletter, please visit www. trainright. com/nutrition (http://www. trainright. com/nutrition).

Press Contact:

Liam Collopy


LCO - Levine Communications Office

1180 S. Beverly Drive, Third Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90035

E: lcollopy@LCOonline. com

T: 310.300.0950 x 232

F: 310.300.0951

Www. LCOonline. com

Theo Dumont

LCO - Levine Communications Office

1180 S. Beverly Drive, Third Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90035

E. tdumont@LCOonline. com

T. 310.300.0950 x236

F. 310.300.0951

Www. LCOonline. com

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Expressor Webinar Features Dr. David Fenstermacher on “Metadata: the cornerstone for tomorrow's healthcare information management systems”

Expressor Webinar Features Dr. David Fenstermacher on “Metadata: the cornerstone for tomorrow's healthcare information management systems”

Expressor is sponsoring a webinar on September 9 featuring Dr. David Fenstermacher on “Metadata: the cornerstone for tomorrow's healthcare information management systems.” During his presentation, Dr. Fenstermacher will explain how healthcare reform is affecting information infrastructures and why focusing on metadata is key to improving the quality of patient care while maintaining or reducing costs.

Burlington, MA (Vocus) August 31, 2010

expressor software announced today that it is sponsoring a webinar on September 9, 2010 featuring Dr. David Fenstermacher on “Metadata: the cornerstone for tomorrow's healthcare information management systems (http://pages. expressor-software. com/metadata-the-cornerstone-for-tomorrows-healthcare-IMS-webinar. html).”

During his presentation, Dr. Fenstermacher will explain how healthcare reform is affecting information infrastructures and why focusing on metadata is key to improving the quality of patient care while maintaining or reducing costs.

Click here (http://pages. expressor-software. com/metadata-the-cornerstone-for-tomorrows-healthcare-IMS-webinar. html) to read more and to register.

Fenstermacher is the Chair and Executive Director of the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. The Moffitt Research Institute is using the expressor semantic data integration system to build its new Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) data warehouse.

About expressor software

Expressor software delivers enterprise-class data integration at an affordable cost. The expressor semantic data integration system rationalizes your metadata around common business terms, enabling your organization to develop more flexible and efficient data warehouses and delivers more accurate BI reporting. expressor’s high-performance parallel data processing engine is optimized for today’s growing and increasingly complex data volumes. And our usage-based pricing means expressor costs up to 80 percent less than competitive offerings.

Expressor targets departmental data integration projects in Global 2000 and mid-market organizations across North America and EMEA. The company has customers in financial services, database marketing, healthcare and telecommunications, including American Tower, Integrated DNA, Moffitt Cancer Center, Sybron Dental Specialties and Skechers. For more information, visit www. expressor-software. com.

©2010 expressor software corporation. expressor, expressor semantic data integration system, smart semantics, intelligent load and go, and redefining data integration are trademarks of expressor software corporation. All other trademarks or trade names are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Expressor software
Steve Casey
+1 617-359-3705


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Armchair Millionaire Community Bulletin: Fabulous Fixes for Bad Behaviors

Armchair Millionaire Community Bulletin: Fabulous Fixes for Bad Behaviors

Who hasn’t made financial decisions that they’ve later regretted? We all make mistakes now and then. The good news is that there’s a way to set nearly every misstep right again.

New York, New York (PRWEB) October 26, 2005

You’re human, which means you’ve made mistakes. And chances are very good that at least some of those mistakes involved money.

Members of the Armchair Millionaire community are no exception. They recently shared some of their financial regrets:

“When I got an inheritance I thought I knew it all. Paying a CPA to do my taxes would have saved me thousands of dollars.” --is24

“Using my credit card to maintain my lifestyle when my commissions were low, instead of drastically cutting back. I was $1,000 away from being free of credit card debt. Now I owe more than 10 times that just from utilizing that card for one year while subsidizing my cost of living!” --Teej

“Investing in individual stocks instead of index funds. I lost several thousand dollars during the dot com bust in 2000 and 2001. If I had invested regularly in a couple of index funds instead, I would be way ahead of where I am now.” --Brett

You’ll never be able to navigate your financial life without mis-stepping now and then. But you can correct the worst financial mistakes that do the most harm to your long-term economic health. My guide shows you how.

The Armchair Millionaire’s Guide to Fixing the Most Common Financial Mistakes

Failing to start investing. The longer you wait to start investing for the future, the more you’ll have to save, and the less you’ll end up with down the road. What goes wrong: You feel like you’ll be young forever, so investing can wait for later. Or, you’re not sure how to invest, so you do nothing. How to set it right: Start investing today. The easiest way is through your employer’s retirement plan. Go see the folks in your human resources department and sign up for your company’s 401(k). And if your company doesn’t offer a 401(k), don’t use that as an excuse. Any brokerage or mutual fund company will be happy to help you set up an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

Living on borrowed money. Nothing is easier--or more foolhardy--than living beyond your means by plunking down plastic. What goes wrong: You’re a little tight on cash, so you start charging everyday items. How to set it right: Put away those credit cards now. If you want to buy something, save for it. Then focus on paying down your highest-interest credit cards first.

Staying too safe with your money. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. In order to realize investment gains over time, you must be willing to see some short-term downturns. What goes wrong: You put your money only in “safe” investments--CDs, money market funds and the like. As a result, your investments barely keep up with inflation, never mind providing you with a decent return. How to set it right: Set your fears aside and set up an investment asset allocation that makes sense for your goals and time frame--and then stick with it. If in doubt, see a qualified financial planner.

Buying too much house. Ah, here’s the kicker, and one that’s all too common these days: buying a house that you can’t really afford. What goes wrong: The low monthly payments of an interest-only mortgage look just too good to pass up. But when those interest payments finally start to come due, you find yourself in over your head. How to set it right: When it makes sense, refinance to a fixed-rate mortgage. In the future, never take out a mortgage without being confident that you’ll be able to afford the highest possible payment.

Not having a will. Should you die unexpectedly, do you really want the state to decide where your money goes? What goes wrong: You’d really rather not think about dying, so it’s easy to put off getting your will made. How to set it right: Schedule an appointment with a lawyer today (get a reference from a friend, or just look in the phone book under “attorneys”). Most people can expect to pay less than $500.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Who hasn’t made financial decisions that they’ve later regretted? We all make mistakes now and then. The good news is that there’s a way to set nearly every misstep right again.

THE ARMCHAIR MILLIONAIRE WEEKLY SURVEY: When it comes to buying a used car, how do you avoid getting taken for a ride? Log on to www. armchairmillionaire. com and let us know.

Lewis Schiff founded the Armchair Millionaire Web site in 1997. His first book, The Armchair Millionaire, was published in 2001. Schiff's newest report, "How to Know When You Are Rich," is now available at www. armchairmillionaire. com.


Lewis Schiff

Armchair Millionaire


Http://www. armchairmillionaire. com (http://www. armchairmillionaire. com)


Toftejorg Technology A/S Changes Name to Oreco A/S

Toftejorg Technology A/S Changes Name to Oreco A/S

Oreco A/S develops the market's most effective systems for automated, non-man entry tank cleaning and oil recovery.

Ishoej, Denmark (PRWEB) March 10, 2005

Oreco A/S is the new name of Toftejorg Technology A/S, developers of the market's most effective systems for automated, non-man entry tank cleaning and oil recovery.

Toftejorg Technology are longstanding leading specialists in automated systems for tank cleaning and oil recovery. As an element in the company's reprofiling, and to signal a more rejuvenated market approach, Toftejorg Technology has been renamed Oreco A/S

"Oreco stands for Oil REcovery COmpany," says Managing Director Michael M. Meyer, "because this is the area in which we have our core expertise. Our new name will continue a tradition of tank cleaning expertise that goes back almost half a century."

Ready for the Challenges of the Future

The combination of advanced technology, robust cleaning systems and a global network of partners has given Oreco a prominent market position. Nevertheless, many challenges await in the years ahead.

Environment, health and safety are critical issues in today's world. And tank farms, tank cleaning companies and refineries require both fast and effective tank cleaning solutions that make optimal use of resources and create minimal environmental pollution.

"We therefore look forward to the future with considerable confidence," says Michael M. Meyer. "With our existing product programme and with ongoing development of our systems we enable our customers to meet modern-day requirements."

Established, Safe Systems

Oreco's integrated and automated solutions, BLABO® and MoClean®, are established names in the market and will therefore retain their existing identities. They will continue to represent innovative technology which is used and valued all over the world.

Safety considerations are met through system design to HSE specifications. This means that the systems combine almost 100% oil recovery with non-man entry, which eliminates the risks involved in manual tank cleaning.

But Oreco's work is far from finished there. Oreco continuously improves its systems, ensuring that the company can present new and effective ways of meeting the oil industry's environmental requirements also in the future.

For further information:

Contact Marketing Manager Christine Qvistorff on tel. no. +45 4332 0202 or e-mail chq@oreco. com. See also redesigned website with new name and logo: www. oreco. com.

# # #

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Products for Vibrant Health Available at <a href="http://www. ariseandshine. com" onclick="linkClick(this. href)">www. ariseandshine. com</a&gt

Products for Vibrant Health Available at www. ariseandshine. com

Arise & Shine, a world leader in nutritional supplements and internal cleansing products, has opened its expanded online store at http://www. ariseandshine. com. The new store offers individual customers the full line of Arise & Shine products.

(PRWEB) February 21, 2002

Contact: Marguerite Ogle

Mogle@ariseandshine. com


Arise & Shine, a world leader in nutritional supplements and internal cleansing products, has opened its expanded online store at www. ariseandshine. com. The new store offers individual customers the full line of Arise & Shine products.

Arise & Shine produces its own dietary supplements, bentonite, and probiotics using organic and/or wild-crafted herbs harvested in eco-sustainable ways. The online store offers six categories of products:

O Daily Use: Herbal and Nutritional Supplements promote great health and help overcome the effects of stress and pollution for wellness from within.

O Internal Cleansing Products (the Cleanse Thyself‘ program), an all-natural system of detoxification to nourish and strengthen the body.

O Special Cleanse: Products that allow for special needs and concerns of individual cleansers and those seeking to improve digestive function.

O Builders & Replenishers: Nutritional Supplements packed with the vitality of herbs and specialized nutrition.

O A Book Collection with respected texts on nutrition, herbal remedies, alternative medicine, vegetarianism and healthy cooking.

O Water distillers for home water purification.

The site also features a list of local alternative practitioners and health food stores offering Arise & Shine products, answers to frequently asked questions, a cleansing guide, and individual stories.

Arise and Shine, headquartered in Mt. Shasta, California, was founded 15 years ago by Dr. Richard Anderson. The companyÂ’s mission is to create the finest products possible to support each individual on the path to vibrant health and well being.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Sharkwave Introduces SLE’s On-demand Sports Learning™ to millions in Greater China

Sharkwave Introduces SLE’s On-demand Sports Learning™ to millions in Greater China

Sports LearningEdge LLC (SLE), a leading provider of advanced online skills learning for kids, announced today an agreement with the Sharkwave official Site Ltd, a subsidiary of TOM Group Limited (HKEx: 2383, “TOM Group), a leading Chinese-language media conglomerate in Greater China, to offer 24/7 free access to the latest in Chinese language online sports skills learning in Greater China.

Wayland, Mass (PRWEB) March 24, 2010

Sports LearningEdge LLC (SLE), a leading provider of advanced online skills learning for kids, announced today an agreement with the Sharkwave official Site Ltd, a subsidiary of TOM Group Limited (HKEx: 2383, “TOM Group), a leading Chinese-language media conglomerate in Greater China, to offer 24/7 free access to the latest in online sports skills learning in Greater China. Players, parents and coaches can now get unlimited free access to hours of valuable, world-class basketball learning content in Chinese from the Basketball PlayersEdge at http://shawei. com/ (http://shawei. com/).

SLE’s powerful Patent Pending On-Demand Sports Learning system was developed in collaboration with experts in video gaming, youth sports, e-Learning, and online technologies to be the one-stop online resource for a given sport’s participants to quickly improve their skills and knowledge regarding all aspects of playing that sport, including health, athletic development, and proper training techniques. The company creates world-class content so its partners may offer their sponsors and advertisers the ability to imprint their brands on the hard-to-reach younger global audience.

“SLE provides Sharkwave the quality content we need for our young and technology-savvy target demographic and further enhances the innovative and targeted platform we offer our advertisers.” Said Wendy Yu, president of Sharkwave Sports Portal. “We look forward to leveraging this great resource to provide kids, parents and coaches throughout greater China access advanced learning tools for helping them leverage online technologies to quickly improve in sports.”

“We at SLE are excited to be partnering with Sharkwave to bring advanced sports skills learning to millions of Chinese speaking kids and their parents in greater China.” said Keith Johnson, Sports LearningEdge sr. vice president of business development. “With its enhanced web 2.0 functionally, Sharkwave has created an ultimate destination for sports fans to meet and share interests and our highly targeted content fits right in.”

About Sharkwave Official Site Ltd

Sharkwave Official Site Ltd (shawei. com) is a subsidiary of Tom Group, a leading Chinese Conglomerate in Greater China, and aims to be the ultimate destination for sports fan to meet, interact and share interests. Shawei. com is proud to have NBA as one of its founding partners and hosts the Official Chinese NBA online community for NBA fans to interact and get access to the latest hot topics. Shawei. com has also acquired premium sports content from other leading sports such as WTA and World Cup Qualifiers and plans to continue to offer more premium sports content to its users in the near future.

About Sports LearningEdge LLC

SLE harnesses the extraordinary reach and influence of sports to work with sports’ stakeholders to provide the youth sports community – kids, coaches and parents –the online learning tools to help kids play sports longer, live healthier and have more fun. Each sport’s customer-branded sites can deliver free On-Demand Sports Learning in multiple languages. SLE provides its customers and their corporate sponsors a powerful new vehicle to reach young sports participants worldwide to directly influence brand loyalty. For more information, contact info(at)sportlearn(dot)com or visit http://www. sportlearn. com (http://www. sportlearn. com).


Authors Bring Fantasy and Science Fiction to Oregon Writers Conference

Authors Bring Fantasy and Science Fiction to Oregon Writers Conference

This year's South Coast Writers Conference weighs in on the side of fantasy and science fiction with award winning authors. Jayel Gibson, Leslie What and Timothy Zahn to present workshops.

Gold Beach, OR (PRWEB) January 9, 2009

The South Coast Writers Conference (http://www. socc. edu/scwriters/index. shtml) is an eclectic gathering of writers of various genres, novice and published authors; returning and first-time attendees. It is our goal that participants and presenters leave the conference inspired and renewed, with new insights and skills, and better connections to fellow writers and resources. Once again we have invited some of the Northwest's best writers to guide you in an exploration and celebration of the many facets of writing. This mid-sized Oregon conference is known for the quality of its presenters, and has included bestselling keynote speakers such as authors David Oliver Relin (Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace. . . One School at a Time) and Larry Brooks (Bait and Switch).

This year's South Coast Writers Conference is no exception and weighs in on the side of fantasy and science fiction with award winning authors Jayel Gibson, Leslie What, and Timothy Zahn to present workshops.

In addition to a full time writing career, Jayel Gibson (http://www. jayelgibson. ning. com) serves as an adjunct instructor at Southwestern Oregon Community College where she teaches writing for publication. She is a two time Teacher of the Year award recipient for her innovative use of technology and video gaming in the elementary classroom. She is an Amazon Celtic Mythology bestselling author, and her Ancient Mirrors fantasy series has received three USA Book News 'Best Books' Finalist Awards and the 2008 National Indie Excellence Award for fantasy and science fiction. Gibson is also the online book club moderator for Realms of Fantasy Magazine. Her articles on video gaming as an educational tool have appeared in Louisiana Parent's Magazine, Dallas Child Magazine, Education. com and Thefatherlife. com. She is a popular panelist and presenter at conventions and conferences.

Leslie What (http://www. sff. net/people/leslie. what/) is an award-winning author of fiction and nonfiction. She has performed commentaries on public radio, published two story collections and a novel, and written a humor and health column for an alternative weekly. She was the senior editor for the literary magazine Silk Road and has twice been invited to teach at the Clarion Writers Conference. She currently teaches writing at UCLA Extension. New works appear at Shape of a Box, Perigee, Asimov's, and Calyx.

Timothy Zahn (http://www. randomhouse. com/author/results. pperl? authorid=34041) has published over eighty short stories and novelettes, thirty-four novels, and four short fiction collections since leaving grad school in 1980. Along the way he has won a Hugo Award (for the novella Cascade Point, in 1984) and has been nominated twice more. He is best known for his eight Star Wars books: Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command, Specter of the Past, Vision of the Future, Survivor's Quest, Outbound Flight, and Allegiance. Other books include the Quadrail series, the Cobra series, and the young-adult Dragonback series. Zahn's most recent books are Dragon and Liberator, the sixth Dragonback book, and The Third Lynx, the second of the Quadrail series. The third Quadrail book, Odd Girl Out, was published in November 2008.

Other presenters at this year's conference include: Linda Barnes, Robin Cody, Robert Hill, Elizabeth Lyon, Jim Malcolm, Elizabeth McKenzie, Elizabeth Rusch, and Floyd Skloot.

Along with all day workshops on Friday and Saturday, the Conference is hosting an 'Author Night' on Friday, February 13th from 7 pm to 10 pm. Join the Gold Beach community in this exciting and uplifting evening. Timothy Zahn will give the keynote presentation on: What in the World Are We Doing in This Crazy Business? Following his keynote address will be readings by the other conference presenters, as well as an opportunity to purchase autographed books. Free and open to the public, this event is held at the Curry Showcase on the Curry County Fairgrounds in Gold Beach, Oregon.

Participation in workshops is limited to 30 students or fewer, register early to secure a seat in the workshops you want.

The Conference is always scheduled on Presidents' Day weekend in the hopes that attendees will extend their stay to write and to explore the splendor of America's Wild Rivers Coast. Visit our miles of spectacular beaches, explore our many hiking trails, or spend time on the mighty Rogue River.
For more information on the Conference, contact the Gold Beach Center of Southwestern Oregon Community College (541) 247-2741 to request a brochure.

The 14th Annual South Coast Writers Conference is co-sponsored by Southwestern Oregon Community College (http://www. socc. edu/)] and the Gold Beach Visitor Center (http://www. goldbeach. org/).


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Resveratrol chewing gum developed by Gumlink A/S

Resveratrol chewing gum developed by Gumlink A/S

Gumlink A/S has incorporated resveratrol into its’ patented chewing gum, which is a highly suitable delivery-system for active ingredients.

(PRWEB) September 10, 2010

Resveratrol is definitely one of the most interesting ingredients in the functional foods category, and has recently generated a wealth of attention. Gumlink A/S has now incorporated Fluxome® (http://www. fluxome. com/) Resveratrol into its’ patented compressed sugar-free chewing gum, which has been specifically designed to deliver health benefits to the consumer via nutritional ingredients. The prototype will be presented at the First International conference of Resveratrol and health that takes place in Denmark in September 2010. It will also be showcased at SupplySide West (http://www. supplysideshow. com/2010/west/) and Health Ingredients Europe (http://hieurope. ingredientsnetwork. com/) this fall.

“Resveratrol has received a lot of focus lately and we wanted to be the first to offer the industry a new consumer-friendly application, in line with many of the latest trends such as convenience and enjoyment in staying healthy.” says Thomas Jahn, business development at Gumlink Nutraceuticals. “Thanks to our ground-breaking taste-masking technology, able to secure a superior long lasting taste, our R&D specialists have successfully incorporated resveratrol into our patented dual-layered compressed chewing gum (http://www. gumlink. com/nutraceuticalbranders/brandowners/products/compressed/pages/default. aspx) and we can now offer this concept to our global customers. We expect interest to be greatest in the US where the consumer awareness is highest, but also substantial interest on a global scale in the not-so-distant future. We believe that combining an innovative ingredient with a novel delivery system will attract a lot of interest from numerous customers willing to test drive this concept” For more information about Gumlink’s patented dual-layered compressed gum please visit our website (http://www. gumlink. com/Pages/default. aspx).


Friday, June 10, 2005

Personal Care Marketers Are Learning To Use the Internet – And Reach Their Target Audiences in New Ways with Microsites and Accompanying Viral Campaigns

Personal Care Marketers Are Learning To Use the Internet – And Reach Their Target Audiences in New Ways with Microsites and Accompanying Viral Campaigns

Research and Markets (http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c43637) has announced the addition of emarketer's report Health and Beauty Marketing: Meet Your Online Customers to their offering.

Dublin (PRWEB) October 20, 2006

Research and Markets (http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c43637 (http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c43637)) has announced the addition of emarketer's report Health and Beauty Marketing: Meet Your Online Customers to their offering.

Every year for the next 10 years, more than 4 million Americans will turn 21, and even more will turn 50. As Boomers chase the Fountain of Youth, the oldest Gen Ys, now 26, are starting careers and families. More than 85% of each group is online, and health and beauty marketers are taking notice.

Attention: Advertising Agencies, Retailers and Online Content, News, Entertainment, Health Care and Women's Sites and CPG, Cosmetics and Fashion Marketers.

The Health and Beauty Marketing report from emarketer analyzes the forces that are driving personal care marketers, at long last, to advertise and market online.

Like their counterparts in the rest of the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, personal care marketers are learning to use the Internet – and reach their target audiences in new ways with microsites and accompanying viral campaigns, sponsoring podcasts and online games and online videos.

And, unlike many more established online categories, such as computers and electronics, health and beauty has room to grow.

Key questions the "Health and Beauty Marketing" report answers:

Where are health & beauty marketers spending their ad budgets? How do consumers shop online? Who is buying health & beauty products online? What are the emerging trends in the category? And many more.

Sources Include:



Advertising Age


Burst Media

ComScore Media Metrix



Forrester Research

Global Market Insite (GMI)


Harris Interactive


Internet Retailer


J. C. Williams Group






NPD Group

Oxygen Media

Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates



The e-tailing group

TNS Media Intelligence

Universal McCann


Content Titles:

Impetus Issues & Questions The eMarketer View Advertising Trends In Search of Health & Beauty Online Shoppers Online Buyers Emerging Trends Viral Marketing Online Coupons

For more information visit http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c43637 (http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/c43637)

Laura Wood

Senior Manager

Research and Markets

Fax: +353 1 684 99 77


Yes They Can! Voices of the Future Powered by the Past

Yes They Can! Voices of the Future Powered by the Past

Led by the British Library, Campaign! Make an Impact is a unique programme that uses history to inspire young people to run campaigns about issues which affect them today.

(PRWeb UK) May 22, 2009

Led by the British Library, Campaign! Make an Impact (http://www. bl. uk/campaign) is a unique programme that uses history to inspire young people to run campaigns about issues which affect them today.

Launched today (21 May), the programme is being rolled out nationally over the next two years (2009-2011) by the British Library and the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, following the successful completion of its three year pilot. Schools that took part in the regional pilot included Immanuel College in Bradford, Skinners' Company's School for Girls in Hackney and Endeavour High School in Hull.

New online resources give schools across the country the opportunity to explore the British Library's historic collection, learn about different types of campaign media and discover practical advice on how to run a campaign: www. bl. uk/campaign (http://www. bl. uk/campaign)

Campaign! Make an Impact is based around a three step model (http://www. bl. uk/learning/resources/pdf/campaignbookletfinal. pdf):

1. Encouraging schools, local museums and archives to work together, using museum collections and classroom resources to help young people understand historical campaigns such as votes for women and the campaign for abolition of the slave trade.

2. Students explore the creative techniques used by historical campaigners to get their message across.

3. Using the skills they have learnt, students run a modern-day campaign on a subject of their own choosing such as bullying, knife crime or the environment.

Using an online tool called the 'campaign grid', students and teachers can break down a historical campaign into manageable sections through a series of seven questions examining the goal of the campaign, how campaigners organised themselves and how they got their message across. Completed grids link to original source documents for the abolition of the slave trade, suffragettes, chartists and public health reform held in the British Library. Museums and archives can also use their own collections to inspire projects.

Roger Walshe, Head of Learning at the British Library, said:

"Campaign! Make an Impact is a unique and empowering learning programme that equips young people with the advocacy tools they need to make a difference in today's world. Our heritage collections can really illustrate the parallels between historical and modern campaign tactics and I encourage more schools and museums to go online and get involved."

The programme has already been a great success, for example, students from Endeavour High School explored racism through the abolition of the slave trade act, using Hull Museum's collections. They looked at how campaigns use visual, verbal and written communication and created an exhibition campaign 'What's Your Story' about diversity and social cohesion using film and a series of large scale photographic portraits. Opened by Sir Keith Ajegbo, Government Advisor for Citizenship, the project was a joint-winner in the cultural places category at the Yorkshire and Humberside Local Government Awards and shows how projects can fit with Local Government Agreement Agendas.

Chris Straker, Head Teacher of Endeavour High School, said:

"Campaign! Make an Impact had a very positive effect on the school and the young people involved. It gave pupils a medium (film) to voice their stories in a powerful and explicit way. The impact of their films on the school, and the community around us, has led to a greater understanding of young people and their lives."

This cross-curricular programme is the first of its kind as it uses museums, libraries and archives to delve deeper into historical campaigns to inspire students and teach them communication skills. Campaign! Make an Impact enables young people to choose and run their own campaign which tackles issues that matter to them in their community. Participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible and to campaign through poems, short plays, graphic novels, films, radio ads, art work, posters, t-shirts and events.

Justine Reilly, Strategic Commissioning Project Manager, Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, said:

"Campaign! Make an Impact shows how our heritage can illuminate in the classroom and prompt action in the community. This is a great opportunity for schools, museums, libraries and archives to work together to inspire young people to take positive action and I urge more organisations to join the initiative."

For more information please contact
Julie Yau, Arts Press Officer, British Library
020 7412 7237 / 07870 489 510 / julie. yau(at)bl. uk

Miki Lentin, Head of Media Relations, British Library
020 7412 7112 / 07976 793 666 / miki. lentin(at)bl. uk

Notes to editors
1. Campaign! Make an Impact is funded jointly by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Children, Schools and Families as part of the Strategic Commissioning Programme for Museum and Gallery Education. It was piloted with Hull Museum Education, The Thackery Medical Museum, Harewood House and the Holocaust Survivors Friendship Association all working with local schools and creative practitioners 2006-2009.

2. The Campaign! Make an Impact model is extremely flexible and can be used for:
 key stage 2 - 4  personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS)  new Citizenship GCSE  history and citizenship curricula  enterprise education  cross curricular days  Every Child Matters  extended services (e. g. after school clubs)  Government Local Area Agreements, especially NI 110 Young people's participation in positive actions

3. The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and one of the world's greatest research libraries. It provides world class information services to the academic, business, research and scientific communities and offers unparalleled access to the world's largest and most comprehensive research collection. The Library's collection has developed over 250 years and exceeds 150 million separate items representing every age of written civilisation. It includes: books, journals, manuscripts, maps, stamps, music, patents, newspapers and sound recordings in all written and spoken languages www. bl. uk.

4. The MLA is government's agency for museums, libraries and archives. Leading strategically, we promote best practice to inspire innovative, integrated and sustainable services for all. www. mla. gov. uk


Monday, June 6, 2005

Exosect Appoints David Sherwood as Formulations Manager

Exosect Appoints David Sherwood as Formulations Manager

Intelligent pest control company further expands research and development team.

(PRWEB) May 10, 2008

Exosect, a leading provider of Intelligent Pest Management solutions, today announced the appointment of David Sherwood as its Formulations Manager within Exosect's Research and Development Group. The Group is responsible for Exosect's product development projects, including improving existing and developing new formulations in terms of product field life, active ingredient release rates and shelf and packaging stability.

In this new position, Sherwood will be working both in the laboratory and in the field, carrying out data analysis, working with and co-ordinating key external consultants and contractors, collaborative work and research with external research partners worldwide.

Prior to his appointment, Sherwood was a research associate at UCB Celltech, performing physical chemical profiling of new chemical entities (NCE) and formulation development whilst managing and coordinating preformulation associated projects. Prior to this he was a KTP associate in collaboration with Ionix Pharmaceuticals and Anglia Ruskin University.

Commenting on his appointment, Sherwood says, "I am looking forward to my new responsibilities at Exosect and to working with the innovative Exosex product range. I hope to use my previous experience and expertise in preformulation to make recommendations for further product research and development."

Martin Brown, Exosect's managing director added, "We are delighted to welcome David to Exosect. He is a highly motivated preformulation associate and will be a great addition to our dynamic R&D team."

Sherwood holds a BSc (Hons) in Forensic Science from the Anglian Ruskin University.

An image to accompany this release can be found using the following link: http://www. mccint. com/photo_library/David%20Sherwood. jpg (http://www. mccint. com/photo_library/David%20Sherwood. jpg)

About Exosect
Exosect is actively focussed on the development and sales of Intelligent Pest Management Solutions. Its innovative and cost-effective products help growers, food producers and processors actively reduce their use of insecticides.

The company's goal is to assist growers achieve zero residues in their crops and produce high quality food for the consumer. Exosect products are used globally in a wide range of sectors including crop protection, (agriculture, horticulture and stored products), apiculture, amenity and public health. More on Exosect: www. exosect. com

Editor's Notes
Further information on Exosect - including interviews, demonstrations, users stories and site visits - is available from:
Graham Thatcher / Spencer Butt
Exosect Press Office at MCC International Ltd
Tel: 01962 888 100 / Fax: 01962 888125
Email: exosectpr(at)mccint. com

URL: www. mccint. com


MyMonthlyCycles. com Offers Free Interactive Tools for Breast Health

MyMonthlyCycles. com Offers Free Interactive Tools for Breast Health

Date-Specific Breast Exam Reminders Help Women Optimize Breast Cancer Screenings.

New York, NY (PRWEB) October 20, 2005

In observance of October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, MyMonthlyCycles™ (www. MyMonthlyCycles. com) has launched a breast health awareness campaign to showcase the site's free interactive breast health management tools. These include such distinctive features as sending date-specific reminders to a woman based on the optimal time to perform her monthly breast self exam (or BSE) and reminding her to schedule an annual mammogram.

MyMonthlyCycles is a unique online resource with a complete interactive menstrual calendar that enables a woman to track all aspects of her monthly cycle, from her menstrual periods and menstrual cycle lengths, to her annual gynecological exam, to fertility cycle details. Users can also track and monitor over three dozen menstrual cycle and PMS symptoms -- cramps, mood changes, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, weight gain, and more.

Approximately one in eight women will get breast cancer at some point in their lives. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in women. According to the American Cancer Society, finding breast cancer as early as possible improves the likelihood that treatment will be successful. Most doctors feel that early detection tests to screen for breast cancer, including monthly breast self exams and annual mammograms, save many thousands of lives each year.

The screenings are most effective when timed according to a woman's menstrual cycle. "The optimal timing for a pre-menopausal woman to perform a breast self exam is the week after her period finishes, approximately mid-cycle," explains ob/gyn Wendy Fried, M. D., FACOG, FACS, of North Hills, N. Y. "If a woman checks right before her menstrual period, her breasts may be tender and lumpy, and the exam will be more limited."

To help a woman remember to conduct her exam at the appropriate time each month, MyMonthlyCycles offers date-specific breast self exam reminders. MyMonthlyCycles. com is the only site on which a user can schedule a BSE reminder to be sent on a specified date of the month, or to be sent on a particular day of her menstrual cycle, for example five days after her menstrual period.

"I had always put off performing breast self exams, even though my aunt died from breast cancer, and I have had fibroids in the past," writes Carol, a MyMonthlyCycles. com user from Illinois. "I am much better at performing my BSE now that MyMonthlyCycles is a daily part of my life. Each time I see the line for BSE, I think of my aunt and know that I want to be around for my daughters for a long time. I now do my breast exam after every period, without fail, thanks to MyMonthlyCycles breast self exam reminders."

Dr. Fried points out that with consistent, monthly breast self exams, a woman should learn the individual characteristics of her tissue. The goal is to get her to identify any changes. MyMonthlyCycles Breast Self Examination Tracking features help a woman track each personal screening and month-to-month differences. She can record the date of her breast self exam, the position (standing up, sitting down, or lying down), and any notes.

In addition, Dr. Fried advises, "The optimal timing of mammography for a menstruating woman is also mid-cycle." On top of the breast self exam reminders and tracking tools, MyMonthlyCycles can send a reminder to a woman to schedule a mammogram according to her menstrual cycle.

MyMonthlyCycles also offers a new feature, Calendar Markers that allow a woman to add mammogram appointments and other scheduled medical visits to her menstrual cycle calendar.

Online since 2003, MyMonthlyCycles. com, owned and operated by bInfinity Web Inc., has grown into a leading provider of interactive tools and information to help women manage their health.

For more information, visit www. MyMonthlyCycles. com. A complete article by Dr. Fried on breast cancer screening and detection can be found at www. MyMonthlyCycles. com/article. jsp? id=400 (http://www. MyMonthlyCycles. com/article. jsp? id=400).

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, MyMonthlyCycles has made a donation to the American Cancer Society. For the latest cancer information and resources, log on to www. cancer. org or call (800) ACS-2345.


ChildrenÂ’s dental health

ChildrenÂ’s dental health

Web site helps parents take an active role in their childrenÂ’s dental health.

(PRWEB) August 24, 2002


Daniel Ravel DDS, FAAPD

Pediatric Dental Health

513 Hilliard Drive

Fayetteville, NC 28311

Phone: (910) 907-6974

Http://www. angelfire. com/nc/kidsdental (http://www. angelfire. com/nc/kidsdental)
Danielravel@hotmail. com

ChildrenÂ’s dental health

Fayetteville, NC--August 22, 2002--"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." How well this proverb applies to children's dental health! The American Dental Association, the American Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry all recommend that a child's first oral health visit take place at 12 months of age, or shortly after the eruption of the first baby teeth. This is the ideal time for a dentist to evaluate a child's oral and dental health, as well as to diagnose any problems which may exist.

In the past, children went to the dentist only after a problem was severe enough to be noticed by a parent. Such an outdated, reactive, approach is no longer appropriate in the age of preventive health, however. The infant oral health visit is now the foundation upon which a lifetime of oral and dental health can be built!

To help parents take an active role in their childrenÂ’s dental health, Dr. Ravel founded the Pediatric Dental Health web site in 1999. He is now the siteÂ’s editor and webmaster.

Pediatric Dental Health offers useful tools for parents, including a questions page, a site-specific search engine, a monthly newsletter, and a resources page. It also features updated links to oral health news and research reports. The Pediatric Dental Health site is available in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, and German languages.

Dr. Ravel is a board-certified pediatric dentist with 23 years of clinical experience. He practices pediatric dentistry in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

For information: http://www. angelfire. com/nc/kidsdental (http://www. angelfire. com/nc/kidsdental)
Contact: danielravel@hotmail. com

Phone: (910) 907-6974

  (910) 630-2003
