Saturday, August 24, 2002

Froogaloo, a New Online Community Created by Four Friends, Focused on Helping Consumers Save Money

Froogaloo, a New Online Community Created by Four Friends, Focused on Helping Consumers Save Money

Froogaloo is a new online community that provides you with the information, resources and opportunities for a fit wallet so you can live your lifestyle! Join, contribute, collaborate and find your strategy for saving money.

St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) April 5, 2010

Froogaloo. com is a new online community, created by four friends, Tara, Sam, Rachel and Michael, who are bringing their vision of saving money to the world. The site is targeted specifically at helping busy professionals, families and people between the ages of 23-40, who are saving for various stages in their lives.

According to a recent national survey, more than 96% Americans agreed that early monetary savings would help one achieve a fruitful and stable life. Saving is a way of insulating oneself from the many symptoms of health and natural adversity. There are various resources on the internet that try to provide advice for achieving this objective. However, these sites only cater to specific individuals, such as stay-at-home moms. Therefore, resources are lacking for busy professionals and families, various personalities and people who learn in different ways. Froogaloo. com fills these voids.

Froogaloo. com features blogs from our experts, a forum for visitors to ask questions and participate, podcasts and more. As the site grows, additional resources, such as podcasts, webinars, seminars, e-books and more will be developed.
