Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Avoiding the Scams: Getting Supplements that Work

Avoiding the Scams: Getting Supplements that Work

The difference in price between one supplement and another is often about much more than name brands. Absorption rates and quality of ingredients are two major components in price.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) May 5, 2004

If youÂ’ve ever wondered why some supplements sell for so little and why others -- that appear to have similar vitamin and mineral content -- sell for more, it may be about more than just brand names. Not all ingredients are created equal, and if youÂ’re buying your supplements on price alone, you may find that your purchase is a literal flush down the toilet.

Among the key factors to the value of a supplement is how much of the ingredients are actually absorbed into the body. For instance, if two tablets both contain 1000 mg of vitamin C but your body actually uses five times more vitamin C with one tablet than with the other, there is a huge discrepancy in the value of these vitamins. One is worth five times more, but may only cost twice as much.

“Many companies use heat when developing their supplements,” explains Ramzey Khoury, a supplement distributor. “That destroys any enzymes that are present, which keeps the body from absorbing much of the value in a supplement. That means you’re passing all the ingredients, right into the toilet.”

Another issue with absorption comes with chelated minerals versus other types. Chelated minerals are bonded to amino acids, 95% of which are absorbed by the body. Minerals lacking this bond to amino acids end up with a much lower absorption rate, so that once again, much of the value of the mineral is lost as it passes through the body.

Like many experts, though, Khoury believes that the absorption rate of a supplement isn’t the only major concern for consumers. “Another failure in the industry is when companies use synthetic vitamins in place of natural ones,” he says. “Sure, they save their own dimes, but studies have shown that synthetic ingredients do not supply the body with the same biological value and in fact can be dangerous!”

Khoury specifically cites studies suggesting that synthetic vitamin C can lead to thicker arterial walls of the heart; that synthetic vitamin A has been shown to increase the risk for developing certain cancers; and that synthetic vitamin E has been shown to actually remove vitamins and minerals from bones.

“Considering how critical vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are to our health, and the fact that most Americans are deficient in these, it’s critical that more people become educated on how supplements are manufactured,” says Khoury. “This is why I supply a great deal of information on my web site about the only supplement I sell.” The supplement, he explains, uses only whole food vitamins and chelated minerals, and uses no heat in the production process. This way, the enzymes are left intact for helping the body’s immune and digestive processes.

“So many people in our country are suffering from cancer, blood sugar diabetes, and dozens of other disease,” explains Khoury. “This is at least in part because our food and supplements don’t give us all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes we need. I only sell one supplement because it’s the only one I’ve found that brings together all the right ingredients in the way that’s necessary for the body.”

Khoury provides links to this and much more information about ingredients needed in the body and how they should be manufactured for optimal value to the body on his web site, VHealthSource (www. vhealthsource. com). “You’d be surprised at the number of health problems you can face because of poor food and supplements,” he says. “It’s time we do something about this as a nation.”

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