Employees Have Yet Another Reason To Lose Their Office Chairs In Favor Of A Treadmill Desk: Their Brain
Use of Treadmill Desks May Increase Production of Small Blood Vessels in the Brain
Phoenix, AZ (Vocus) December 2, 2008
Numerous studies in recent years have shown that walking on a regular basis lowers an employee's incidence of stroke, dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, however scientists are just now uncovering the exact reasons why. A recent study conducted at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that individuals who participate in regular, long-term exercise had as much as 43% more small blood vessels in their brains than those who were sedentary. The challenge most employees face is finding time to engage in sufficient daily exercise due to the sedentary nature of their employment. Treadmill desks may hold the answer for many of them.
Though not thoroughly understood, it is believed that walking prompts the body's production of a variety of beneficial elements including increased production of blood vessels (angiogenesis) and capillaries that assist in muscle growth and retention, brain function and overall health efficiencies. Further studies have shown that sufficient amounts of daily walking increases brain function such as memory as much as 15% in as little as 6 months. Employees currently using treadmill desks report gains in production and concentration in an addition to the numerous health benefits, including weight loss. A detailed list of these health benefits can be found at the TrekDesk website at http://www. trekdesk. com].
"This is one more study that validates the need for employees to get out of their chairs and start moving," observed Steve Bordley, Owner of TrekDesk, a treadmill desk manufacturer. "The evidence is overwhelming that sitting at a desk all day is damaging employee's health. From a weight stand point alone Americans are burning 700 calories less per day than a generation ago, movement is critical to the obesity problems in our country."
Although weight loss is a crucial benefit gained when using a treadmill desk there are many additional and equally important health benefits that daily walking delivers such as brain enhancement. Studies have shown that an overweight individual who walks consistently may be healthier than a sedentary individual of normal weight. The message is clear, the more an employee can engage in movement during the day the greater their chance to enhance their health and their minds.
Treadmill desks allow continual movement at slow speeds throughout the work day without sweating. "Think about walking down the hall reading and conversing with a co-worker, we do this all the time. Treadmill desks are just as easy as that, with the added benefit of not having to look where you are going," added Bordley.
ABOUT TrekDesk : manufacturer of the first affordable full sized, adjustable treadmill desk designed to fit an existing treadmill, allowing walking while working, burning calories without sweating and health enhancement.
Steve Bordley
Ph: 877-449-8588
FAX: 877-449-8588
Http://www. trekdesk. com