Capture Billing Associates Elected to Local Chapter of the American Academy of Professional Coders
With Healthcare Reform around the corner, Capture Billing and its staff members are helping to prepare Certified Professional Coders to meet the upcoming need in healthcare reimbursements and coding.
Leesburg, Virginia (Vocus) October 9, 2009
Capture Billing & Consulting, Inc. (http://www. CaptureBilling. com), a medical billing and practice management company, is pleased to announce that two of its associates, Jackie Penna, CPC, and Nikki Hendrix, CPC, have been elected officers of the Leesburg Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Professional Coders (http://www. aapc. com) (AAPC). Ms. Penna is currently the President-Elect and Ms. Hendrix the Treasurer-Elect. They will take their offices on January 1st. The AAPC provides certified credentials to medical coders in healthcare facilities including physician offices, hospitals and medical billing companies. The Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credential is the gold standard certification for medical coding.
Medical Coders gather at local AAPC chapter meetings, such as the Leesburg Chapter, to increase their professional knowledge. Ms. Penna and Ms. Hendrix will support the national membership by providing educational and networking opportunities. They will also administer the 5 ½ hour exam needed to become a Certified Professional Coder.
In the healthcare industry physicians and hospitals are reimbursed by private insurance companies and Medicare with codes that identify the procedures performed and the reasons, or diagnosis, why those procedures were needed. These CPT and ICD-9 codes can be very complex. An additional 120,000 diagnosis codes will be added in 2013 with the implementation of ICD-10.
'With Healthcare Reform just around the corner we are going to need more and more medical coders helping physicians meet all the new coding requirements,' said Manny Oliverez, Director of Operations for Capture Billing. 'I am very pleased that our staff has stepped up and will be training new medical coders.'
The Leesburg Chapter holds its monthly meeting on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information call 703-327-1800.
Contact Information:
Capture Billing & Consulting, Inc.
25055 Riding Plaza
South Riding, VA 20152
Http://www. CaptureBilling. com (http://www. CaptureBilling. com)
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