Friday, April 22, 2011

National Columnist Touts Revival Soy Ad

National Columnist Touts Revival Soy Ad

National Columnist Touts Revival Soy Ad

KERNERSVILLE, NC (PRWEB) September 21, 2004

A popular Revival Soy advertisement, which features the headline “Did You Buy This Magazine Thinking It Would Make A Good Fan?”, is praised in the current issue of Entrepreneur magazine (February 2004).

Jerry Fisher writes a column on effective advertising called “A+ Ads” for the magazine. He spotted the Revival Soy ad in a magazine and decided to use the ad in his column as an example of excellence in advertising. Mr. Fisher writes, “I think the headline and subhead effectively get prospects riveted on the ad and the subject. I also like how the minimalism of the design makes the encased headline leap off the page.” Revival Soy’s in-house creative department, led by Ryan McCullah, creative manager, developed the ad.

About Entrepreneur Magazine

Entrepreneur magazine is a national magazine with a circulation of about 600,000. It is written for busy entrepreneurs who want practical—not theoretical—information; Entrepreneur offers real-life solutions for entrepreneurs with growing companies. The magazine gives readers concise, hands-on advice so they can get in, get out and back to business. In Entrepreneur's more than 40 monthly columns and features, readers learn from other entrepreneurs who have successfully solved their growth challenges.

About Revival Soy

Revival Soy, located in Kernersville, NC, is committed to improving lives through good nutrition and the medically researched health benefits of soy. RevivalÂ’s primary products include its naturally concentrated soy-protein bars and shakes. Through its patented natural concentration process, one Revival bar or shake provides the daily amount of soy recommended by doctors to experience the full benefits of soy. RevivalÂ’s ongoing medical research in the areas of soy benefits and product development has led to 12 patents and a taste widely preferred over mainstream soy food products. Collectively, these breakthroughs have made Revival Soy the most recommended brand of soy among physicians nationwide. Revival Soy is a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
