Wednesday, October 2, 2002

Healthy Companies International Hires Stephen Parker as Chief Commercial Officer

Healthy Companies International Hires Stephen Parker as Chief Commercial Officer

Leadership Development Expert Stephen Parker Brings His Commercial and Consulting Know-how to CCO Role. Parker will Help Lead the Arlington, VA-based Research and Consulting Company Through the Next Phase of Growth and Expand the Markets for its Research and Intellectual Capital

Arlington, VA (PRWEB) June 14, 2009

Stephen Parker, a respected executive and thought leader in the human capital arena, has been appointed the new Chief Commercial Officer for Healthy Companies International, an Arlington, VA-based research and consulting firm. Healthy Companies' mission is to partner with CEOs and executive teams to develop and lead people in building and growing healthy, high performing organizations. The firm delivers world class human strategy consulting and uniquely deploys custom executive and leadership growth content via its proprietary "CEO Channel" to companies, governments and associations around the world.

In his new role, Parker will guide Healthy Companies' overall go to market strategy, leading the business development, marketing, branding and channel partner activities. He will utilize his broad industry and client expertise to integrate Healthy Companies' rich history of client-centric consulting with the proprietary CEO research and burgeoning intellectual capital they have developed over the past 15 years to accelerate and lead the firm's growth.

"We are excited to have Stephen join us," said CEO and founder Bob Rosen. "He brings a wealth of experience in leading successful consulting and business development ventures and has a tremendous reputation in the human capital arena. We are also looking forward to working with Stephen as we continue to enrich and refresh our thought leadership"

Parker joins Healthy Companies from Blessing White, a global leadership development firm, where, across a 17 year career, he led sales and operations in London, Chicago and the Eastern United States before culminating in building and leading a global Consulting Group. He led BW's thought leadership and content development and was a member of the Executive Team.

He has worked with a diverse set of Fortune 500 clients, advising on topics such as culture change, authentic leadership and employee engagement, also working with an array of leaders as an Executive Coach. "Healthy Companies' brand of research, consulting depth and innovative thought leadership, combined with its unique perspective on the CEO mindset, make it a compelling place to work in today's marketplace," said Parker. " I am proud to join the organization and look forward to supporting our growth and to working with Bob Rosen, who is one of the most renowned and respected voices in the industry."

About Healthy Companies International

Healthy Companies International (www. healthycompanies. com) is a change consulting company headquartered in Arlington, VA, founded in 1988. Its mission is to help CEOs and executive teams build healthy, high performance companies. With their CEO perspective, they offer a unique consulting value proposition to clients.
 Ongoing proprietary research with over 300 CEOs from around the world  Six successful business and leadership books  Best practices from studying and working with blue chip companies  Trusted business advisors with decades of senior executive experience  More than 500 just-in-time electronic executive, leadership and performance improvement tools

Aaron Wunder, Research Manager
Healthy Companies International
703 835 9348
