Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Are You Safer Than You Were Three Years Ago?”

Are You Safer Than You Were Three Years Ago?”

Moderate Republicans say Bush administration policies and actions have made them less safe than they were three years ago.

Pittsburgh, PA (PRWEB) September 27, 2004

Three years after 9/11 the Bush re-election campaign is touting his record on national security, claiming that Bush has made this country safer. Jill Morris is a 36-year-old single mother of two, and she has been a Republican since the age of 18. “Safer? In what way?” Morris asks. “How many billions of dollars have been spent in Iraq -- to fight terror, according to our president, but here in America, by definition I live in a state of terror.”

“I live in a community where gunshots in the middle of the night are commonplace,” Morris says. “It is a place where the men and women who are regarded as pillars of the community are drug dealers. They will shoot anyone and die at any time for drugs. Not only my community but, many communities have young people who will shoot you or intimidate you for just walking in ‘their’ neighborhood. My neighbors and I are hardworking people who have done our best to maintain our homes and families, but often we find bullet holes in our houses and cars just because there was a shootout the previous night.” Morris asks “When will the White House call my sister to express their willingness to do everything possible to track down the people responsible for my nephew's death like they did to the family of the American who was beheaded in Baghdad yesterday? When will Halliburton get a contract to build up my community? When will Homeland Security protect me and my children? If we are fighting terrorism in Iraq, why don’t we focus on fighting this kind of terrorism at home?”

Patricia VonNeeda a Republican from Montoursville, Pennsylvania agrees “The invasion of Iraq has made this country less safe. We have lost international allies and support, and created more hatred and enemies,” she tells RepublicansForKerry04.org. And she believes that this election is the most important election of her lifetime. “The security of a nation means many things, VonNeeda says. “Since Bush took office, he has made this country less safe in many ways: Our environmental laws have been ignored or reversed; our economy has lost ground and stagnated; millions of jobs have been lost; the health care has crisis worsened; and over 1100 Americans have died in a war we waged without being threatened, while the perpetrators and mastermind of the 9-11 attack the real enemies of America have escaped to continue their plots. Billions of our taxpayers’ money are being paid to Halliburton, which is making a huge profit in Iraq, while Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network are still at large. How could we feel safer than we were three years ago?” VonNeeda says.

“We need a President who can understand abstract concepts and convert them into concrete plans and actions,” VonNeeda concludes. “I believe John Kerry has the intelligence, knowledge and character to lead our nation away from its current extremist, hate-inspiring policies, back to a sane, moderate, mainstream America. To make America safer not just in words, but in reality.”

[For more discussion and essays written by members of RepublicansForKerry04.org group on this topic please contact media@republicansforkerry04.org]

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