Saturday, December 13, 2003

Master Herbalist Launches Web Site

Master Herbalist Launches Web Site

Master Herbalist, Bob Liebert, author of several books on Traditional Folk Medicine and Native American tribes, brings his herbal tinctures to the Internet

(PRWEB) March 27, 2005

Since 1985, Teeter Creek Herbs has stood out in the field of herbal health products by providing herbal extracts that are of a consistent high quality, not by enhancing or extracting herbal ingredients, but by great attention to the details of growing, harvesting and processing the highest quality herbs at the peak of their potency. Most herbal manufacturers import the majority of their herbs, with little knowledge of the care with which they were grown and harvested, or even if they were harvested at the right time. Many herbs available on the bulk market have been overdried, grown with pesticides or herbicides and/or sat too long in storage.

The great majority of Teeter Creek Herbs' plants are organically grown or wildcrafted right in the environs of their farm, situated in a wild valley in the Ozark Mountains in a pollution-free environment. The Ozark Mountains are one of the most botanically rich regions of the world. Many of the most popular herbs grow here naturally: Ginseng, Echinacea, Golden Seal, Black Cohosh and St. JohnÂ’s Wort, to name just a few. Many others can be organically grown here in areas close to their natural environments, due to the remarkably varied environments to be found in the Ozarks. A handful of our extracts are produced from herbs that cannot easily be grown here; but great care is taken to find reliable sources for these herbs.

Liebert has studied the use of herbs for health for over 20 years. He grew up roaming the woods of the Ozark area. After living for a time in the desert southwest and learning the uses of plants from Native and Spanish American neighbors, he moved back to the Ozarks with his family. He became re-acquainted with and amazed by the diversity of plants to be found here and began experimenting with herbs for food and medicine. His studies have covered everything from local Ozark plant lore, Native American uses and the legacy of the Eclectic physicians, to Chinese herbalism and the latest in modern research. Bob is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild.

He soon learned was that with a little care in the selection and harvesting of herbs, and especially in the use of fresh herbs, he could make products that were substantially more potent and of a higher quality than could be found in the general herb market. At this time, when so many are jumping onto the bandwagon and getting into the herbal products field, the ability to find high-quality herbs is becoming increasingly difficult. Many would-be herb consumers have been disappointed by the results they get compared to the hype that is now found in the media. A good deal of this disappointment is due to the large quantity of poor-quality herbs and herb products on the market.

Bob Liebert found that the best way to preserve the potency of the herbs was in making extracts according to time-honored plant pharmacy techniques. At Teeter Creek Herbs the focus is on the best representation of the whole herb. There is little need for standardization if the right herb is picked at the right time and processed as soon as possible. The fad for standardization has led to some unfortunate practices: boosting herbal ingredients with chemically extracted extracts; the stripping away of other plant constituents that have never been studied while second-guessing at what might be the active ingredient of an herb. Some herbal products become more like border-line pharmaceuticals than anything coming from Mother Earth. It is a way of thinking that might appeal to the rigid scientific/medical mind, but one that does great disservice to the amazing wholeness of the living herb. We believe the best, most balanced effects come from the whole herb.
