Saturday, December 11, 2004

New Comprehensive Guide Reveals the Ins and Outs of Health Savings Accounts

New Comprehensive Guide Reveals the Ins and Outs of Health Savings Accounts

Vimo Research Group partners with nation's leading HSA expert to publish ultimate guide to HSAs.

Mountain View, CA (PRWEB) November 1, 2007

The Vimo Research Group has partnered with Roy Ramthun, former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the U. S. Treasury for health initiatives and former Health Care Advisor to President George W. Bush, to present the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) available on the Internet. HSAs are accounts that give Americans the opportunity to invest money tax free, which they can then spend on qualified health care expenses or save for retirement.

The report, authored by Ramthun, offers a thorough review of what qualifies a health plan to be HSA eligible and gives helpful guidance on:

· Finding an HSA qualified plan: Not all plans with high deductibles are compatible with HSAs. Learn what qualifies and what doesn't.
· Realizing the greatest savings: Individuals can maximize their savings (and tax deductions) by contributing the maximum amount to their HSA every year. Those age 55 and older can make additional catch up payments as well.
· Understanding plan options: Although HSA-qualified health insurance plans have high deductibles, they are not bare bones plans. Most HSA-qualified plans cover preventive care and all must provide true catastrophic protection by limiting annual out-of-pocket health care expenses.
· Maximizing the flexibility of an HSA: HSAs can be used to pay for some health care expenses not covered by insurance, but not every medical expense is "qualified." For instance, cosmetic surgery generally cannot be paid for with an HSA.

The report, "The Common Sense Guide to Health Savings Accounts," is available either as an interactive online guide or as a downloadable PDF, for free at http://www. vimo. com/reports (http://www. vimo. com/reports)

About Vimo
Founded by industry veterans from WebMD and Valicert, Vimo believes consumers deserve more power in the health care equation. Vimo's unique search technology enables consumers to shop for health care the way they currently shop for other expensive products online -- by researching, comparing prices and hearing feedback from other buyers. Vimo's unique "comparison shopping for surgery" service lets patients compare prices for surgical procedures at hospitals nationwide. The only free service of its kind on the Internet, it was named Best Use of Technology to Promote Patient Care by the National Wellness, Prevention & Fitness Conference (NWPFC) in 2007.

For more information on Vimo, visit http://www. vimo. com/ (http://www. vimo. com/)
