Monday, January 17, 2005

Most all of us Have a Desire to Have Plenty of Money, to Manifest Dreams

Most all of us Have a Desire to Have Plenty of Money, to Manifest Dreams

Healing Things Money Energizer is a gift to help anyone do just that. By Regina Killebrew.

Tempe, AZ (PRWEB) January 5, 2007

It's amazing what a bit of inspiration will accomplish... more importantly, it's absolutely awesome when something a person does turns out to really make life pleasant for a multitude of folks.

That's how Diana Wesley, designer of Healing Silks from HealingThings. com, feels today. Her creativity combined with the intuition and ability of her partners has managed to bring about a wonderful little product called The Money Energizer... that actually works.

Healing Things started in August of '06 with six items called Healing Scarves and Wraps and a prayer. The prayer was a modest one, simply "... let us succeed in this love of what we do and make a little money in the bargain."

This "love," however, is pretty significant in the scheme of things. You see, they want to help people discover the source of their own inner energy, learn to live in gratitude and to manifest the kind of life, health and happiness that may have been elusive up until now.

Ms Wesley started working with fractal images about seven years ago. As an energy psychotherapist, she worked to understand why some of the fractals she created had such a positive and profound effect on the brain.

She worked on projects using fractals combined with other modalities to release stress, combat learning disabilities and other issues. The results encouraged Ms. Wesley to find other avenues for fractals she designed using sacred geometry and master number combinations.

The research work of Physicist Masaru Emoto has played a huge roll in the Healing Silk products created by the designers at HealingThings.

Using her original high frequency fractal images, color therapy, the image of a $10,000 US Federal Reserve Note, along with an infusion of gratitude, Ms. Wesley designed The Money Energizer. It is a kindred Monopoly money bill glazed over with a high frequency fractal image surrounded by a heartfelt prayer.

Use The Money Energizer in a wallet or checkbook and the belief is a person's current wealth will expand. They tested it among close friends and on themselves. Well... the orders grew, sales increased and it hasn't stopped there.

Everyone who has one says they always have money in their wallet now, where as before, it was often a struggle to keep any in there. Bank balances have increased. Business dealings have increased or smoothed out and there is a general feeling of abundance steadily moving into their lives.

Yes of course there is a price (of sorts) on this little tool.

Here's the deal. Go to www. HealingThings. com, download the graphic of three Wealth Energizers. Keep one in a wallet or checkbook and pass the other two "forward with a prayer" to help them also have the flow of wealth and abundance in their lives. Pass it forward... and everyone wins.
