Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Dr. David Blyweiss Announces New IBS Relief Protocol

Dr. David Blyweiss Announces New IBS Relief Protocol

Millions of Americans suffer with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Dr. David Blyweiss in Boca Raton, FL finds that diet and supplements can play an important role.

Boca Raton, FL (PRWEB) April 14, 2010

It's estimated that 11-14% of the US population suffers from the abdominal discomfort and altered bowel habits of the puzzling functional disorder named IBS. It has been linked to psychological stress, previous gastroenteritis from infection (usually food borne), small intestinal bowel overgrowth and food sensitivities. Regardless of the predominant symptoms, 92% of patients share bloating as a commonality. Many patients find that their problems stem from a specific incident, such as a vacation during which they experienced severe GI issues that were addressed with a few rounds of different antibiotics. Often, the symptoms become chronic and worsen with stress and/or with certain foods.

Most IBS patients have baffled a wide assortment of physicians in their quest to find relief from IBS (http://www. smacboca. com/functional_medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/What-is-functional-medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/our_doctors. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/about-drblyweiss. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/functional-medicine-ibs. html). Treatment ranges from psychological counseling, dietary changes, tranquilizers and antidepressants, antispasmodics and even hypnosis. Most patients are so thankful that the drugs can mask symptoms long enough to enable them to work or have a semblance of a social life that they have given up on a permanent "cure," but Dr. David Blyweiss offers hope through improve nutrition and targeted supplementation.

According to Functional Medicine (http://www. smacboca. com/functional_medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/What-is-functional-medicine. html) Specialist, http://www. smacboca. com/functional_medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/What-is-functional-medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/our_doctors. html (http://www. smacboca. com/functional_medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/What-is-functional-medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/our_doctors. html) Dr. David Blyweiss (http://www. smacboca. com/functional_medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/What-is-functional-medicine. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/our_doctors. htmlhttp://www. smacboca. com/about-drblyweiss. html) of Boca Raton's Sanctuary Medical (http://www. smacboca. com/functional_medicine. html) practice, "Many IBS suffers suffer with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), and minimal levels of gut Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. Foods that contribute to IBS can be identified through specific IgG antibodies. Most sufferers also have nutritional imbalances, digestive enyzme deficiencies, and increased intestinal permeability (Leaky Gut). After antifungal therapy removes the yeast, I replace the missing digestive enzymes. I then reinoculate the patient with the needed prebiotics & probiotics to increase beneficial gut bacteria; the bacteria that makes B vitamins and supports your immune system." The final phases of healing involve repairing the intestinal lining with glutamine and other medical food shakes and rebalancing the patient's life between the stresses of work, family and self care.

Dr. Blyweiss has found this regimen to work extremely well for IBS patients. "Once our patients understand what to avoid in order to stay healthy, they fall off the wagon only rarely. Most of them are taking no medications. Although they miss the pizza, ice cream and other refined carbohydrates they were found to be sensitive to, none of them miss the downstream effects of eating them!

About Dr. David Blyweiss

Dr. David Blyweiss finds and corrects the underlying causes of chronic medical issues with science-based functional medicine matrix as a foundation. He develops a personalized protocol for each patient based on his or her specific needs. Dr. Blyweiss is a member of Sanctuary Medical, a department of Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, Dr. Jason Pozner and Dr. David Goldberg's South Florida commitment to revolutionary wellness and rejuvenation, where a physician-led team of specialists treats virtually every area of the body with the latest in science-based beauty and age management techniques.

For More Information on Functional Medicine at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center: www. smacboca. com
For more information, press only: Kimberly Mrachek, 561-367-9101, Kimberly(at)smacboca(dot)com
