Sunday, October 30, 2005

Deterioration of the Support Structure Is Seen As the Cause for Chronic Diseases As Reported in Second Book from Harold Rongey, Ph. D

Deterioration of the Support Structure Is Seen As the Cause for Chronic Diseases As Reported in Second Book from Harold Rongey, Ph. D

As most people observed, from seeing pictures of the recent disaster involving the bridge in Minneapolis, gradual deterioration of the support structure eventually causes collapse of that structure. The support structure of the human body is no exception! The good news is that your body is programed to make the repairs when needed, if it is properly nourished.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) October 17, 2007

"Who Stole My Food? Be Forever Healthy" is the second book in a series on health and nutrition by Harold Rongey, Ph. D. The book focuses on the nutritional factors essential to sustain a healthy support structure -- the most neglected part of the human body.

Chronic diseases such as those involving the digestive, circulatory, neurological, pulmonary systems, or those of the skin, bones, and joints are the result of this deterioration. The actual cause can be attributed to some level of malnutrition.

The bad news is that most of the medical treatments for these diseases serve only to mask the signals of the body (pain) that alert you to the problem. This allows the deterioration to continue to the point that it calls for replacement of the damaged parts, such as hips, knees, weakened arteries, et cetera.

The good news is that your body is programmed to make the repairs when needed, if it is properly nourished. To learn how you can properly nourish your support structure, visit Dr. Rongey's web site at www. whostolemyfood. com or contact him at 714 624-3029.
