Thursday, October 5, 2006

Farmosa Farms Announces, "What's in Your Milk?" Campaign

Farmosa Farms Announces, "What's in Your Milk?" Campaign

Farmosa Farms announces their “What’s in your Milk?” fundraising campaign to help spread awareness in understanding agriculture in order to make the right choices to stay healthy.

(PRWEB) February 23, 2005

Farmosa Farms announces their “What’s in your Milk?” fundraising campaign to help spread awareness in understanding agriculture in order to make the right choices to stay healthy. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes are on the rise. Learning behavior and childhood personalities have been associated with diet.

By sharing and wearing the “What’s in your milk?” slogan you help spread the concern that as consumers we need to be aware. For a minimum donation of $25, you can receive your campaign gear and join the Farm’s grass roots efforts in raising awareness. Both shirts and onesies are made at American Apparel, a Los Angeles-based, sweat-shop free facility. This collection represents their sustainable edition cotton.

To learn more about the “What’s in your Milk?” campaign and the importance of agricultural awareness go to www. FarmosaFarms. org.

Farmosa Farms promotes agriculture for good health within all communities; encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their health through intelligent choices regarding food and food stuffs.

Farmosa Farms is a nonprofit corporation established in California, 2002. For more information please contact mail@farmosafarms. org or (818) 585-5660.
