Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Winner of Dave Scott Triathlete Training Weekend Collects

Winner of Dave Scott Triathlete Training Weekend Collects

Collecting his prize of a personal training weekend with six-time Ironman World Champion, Dave Scott, plus a case of Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP)™ was voted "outstanding" by Wayne Johannes, the winner of the BodyHealth. com drawing. As he trains hard for Ironman Arizona, timing of Wayne's weekend could not have been better. Details about Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) can be found at www. BodyHealth. com

Clearwater, FL (PRWEB) March 10, 2008

Collecting his prize of a personal training weekend with six-time Ironman World Champion, Dave Scott, plus a case of Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP)™ was voted "outstanding" by Wayne Johannes, the winner of the BodyHealth. com drawing. As he trains hard for Ironman Arizona, timing of Wayne's weekend could not have been better.

61-year old Wayne jetted in to Dave Scott's home town of Boulder, CO to collect his prize of two days of intensive personalized training with the triathlon legend. Wayne enthused, "Dave is a super-hero but what surprised me was how very down to earth and approachable he is. I was astounded by his depth of knowledge and his ability to put his training tips across in a simple but very effective way."

In addition to coaching, Dave is also a race nutrition expert. "Dave said he recommends Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) to all his athletes because it's unrivalled as a protein supplement for endurance athletes" says Wayne. "I have personally been using Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) regularly for the past four years because it makes a big difference to my performance and recovery."

Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) is a dietary protein substitute that provides a unique pattern of essential amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystalline form. Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) is indicated as a safe and effective substitute for dietary proteins. Clinical studies have shown that the use of Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) during physical activity, may be a substitute for dietary proteins or protein supplements in a safer and nutritionally more efficient way, to optimize body protein synthesis and provide a faster and more effective muscle recovery after physical activity. It also optimizes muscle mass, strength and endurance.

Dave fine-tuned Wayne's swim and bike techniques and provided valuable insight into his running problems. Wayne commented, "In the past, when I increased my mileage, I would end up with some kind of injury. Dave helped explain the different phases of the run stride and then gave me "cues" to help me remember how to run correctly. A large part of my problem involves several muscles that support my running stride. Dave prescribed specific dryland exercises to strengthen these muscles and all the muscles of the core."

As a parting gift, Dave gave Wayne a training plan for his next big challenge - competing in Ironman Arizona in April. He included specific training workouts with suggested heart rates, length of workouts and mileage which Wayne is already putting into practice. "Being lucky enough to have personal tuition from someone of Dave's caliber was an unforgettable experience and I would recommend it to anyone." Visit Dave's website www. davescottinc. com for more information.

Dave Scott also had positive things to say about his time spent with Wayne. "I enjoyed the two days with Wayne very much. He worked hard and was willing to learn as much as possible. I was very pleased to discover that Wayne is a regular user of Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) and understands the great benefits the product brings to his physical well-being which includes his training and racing. I hope that the tips I gave him will help him achieve improved results and I wish Wayne the best of luck in Ironman Arizona."

Read Wayne's own personal account of his time spent with Dave Scott and his build-up to Ironman Arizona in his monthly report at www. bodyhealth. com. For more information about Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) visit www. BodyHealth. com or call 877-804-3258.
