Friday, February 23, 2007

Just Say "NO" -- Hale Dwoskin, Featured Expert in the #1 Mega-Bestseller "The Secret," Announces a Sedona Course Sampler Giveaway to Get Over the Guilt and Harness the Power of Saying "No"

Just Say "NO" -- Hale Dwoskin, Featured Expert in the #1 Mega-Bestseller "The Secret," Announces a Sedona Course Sampler Giveaway to Get Over the Guilt and Harness the Power of Saying "No"

Learning to say "NO" is one of the most productive and empowering things any person can learn to do. Unfortunately in our "YES" society, it is also one of the hardest. Hale Dwoskin, founder of The Sedona Method and featured teacher in the #1 bestselling book and movie, "The Truth," has just announced that he is giving away Sedona course samplers so people can finally learn how to let go of the guilt and other negative emotions preventing them from saying "NO."

Sedona, AZ (PRWEB) March 7, 2007

Hale Dwoskin, founder of The Sedona Method and a featured teacher in the #1 blockbuster bestselling book and movie by the same name, "The Secret," (http://www. sedona. com/the-secret-behind-the-secret. aspx) has announced he is now giving away Sedona course samplers so people can discover how to finally let go of the the guilt and other negative behavior patterns stopping them from harnessing the power of saying "No."

One of the most productive and empowering things any person can learn to do is say "No." Far too often in our society, however, people agree to do something they really don't have time for, or that they really just don't want to do, because of guilt and other negative emotions. This typically leads to stress and anxiety, and often feelings of resentment.

Dwoskin says we do this because "we don't want to let others down, disappoint them or be accused of not being there. We also do it because saying 'no' has a negative connotation in our society. It sends the message that somehow we can't do it all, we're not cooperative or we're not as strong and willing."

Of course, being there for people when they need us is a good thing. The problem is that many people say "yes" at the expense of their personal mental and physical health. Take on too many responsibilities and your well-meaning attempt to direct your child's school play could turn you into a walking zombie, or, worse, a crabby one.

To put it very simply, doing too much is a surefire way to increase your stress and fatigue levels while decreasing your free time and happiness. Because of this, it is essential to learn how to say "NO."


"Most people do need to learn how to say 'no,'" says Hale Dwoskin, "because typically the natural response is to agree. Above all else, it is our unresolved emotions that cause us to agree to do things that we later regret."

The Sedona Method -- which has been studied and verified effective by Harvard Medical School (http://www. sedona. com/html/Scientific-Evidence. aspx) -- is an essential tool to help you release these negative behavior patterns and unresolved emotions to harness the power of saying "no." The Method is also be instrumental in helping you let go of the guilt or feeling of obligation that often sets in when you turn someone down.

As you use The Sedona Method to let go of these unresolved emotions, you will be able to take your life back and live with room for both self and others, helping others when it is appropriate and setting boundaries for yourself in a healthy and balanced way.

Also, if you find yourself wavering when confronted with a request you'd rather not do, remind yourself that it's OK to say "no" with these four reassuring facts:

Saying "no" is not selfish. Instead it frees up your time so you can spend more of it with friends and family.

Saying "no" will allow you more time and energy to pursue your dreams or try out new hobbies.

If you say "yes" too much, it could cause you to feel stressed out, angry, resentful or tired, which doesn't benefit anybody.

You're not the only person who can do the requested task. Have faith in other people's abilities to help you out or take your place.

Right now everyone can get a FREE Insiders Guide to The Sedona Method email course sampler (http://www. sedona. com/lp-sayingno. aspx) by inputting just their name and email in the sidebar on the right at http://www. sedona. com/lp-sayingno. aspx (http://www. sedona. com/lp-sayingno. aspx).

For more insights on the topic of how and why people learn to say "No" (http://www. sedona. com/lp-sayingno. aspx) and related topics, Hale Dwoskin, New York Times Best-Selling author of The Sedona Method, featured expert in the film and New York Times bestseller "The Secret," (http://www. sedona. com/the-secret-behind-the-secret. aspx) and CEO and Director of Training of Sedona Training Associates (http://www. sedona. com/html/about-us-and-sedona-method. aspx), is available for interviews. Sedona Training Associates is an organization that teaches courses based on the emotional releasing techniques originated by Hale Dwoskin's mentor, Lester Levenson. Dwoskin is an international speaker and featured faculty member at Esalen and the Omega Institute. For over a quarter century, he has regularly been teaching The Sedona Method techniques to individuals and corporations throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Visit www. sedona. com.

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