Monday, May 26, 2008

DiabetesCare. net Striking a Chord in the Diabetes Community

DiabetesCare. net Striking a Chord in the Diabetes Community

Website has also upgraded the search functionality in its 37,000 food item Nutrition Tracker

Mt. Laurel, NJ (Vocus) March 30, 2010

Food Sciences Corporation, which launched its new full-service diabetes website – DiabetesCare. net – on February 1, has in a short span of time struck a resounding chord in all corners of the diabetes community.

DiabetesCare. net (www. DiabetesCare. net) not only serves those seeking self-care information and solutions, but also diabetes caregivers and providers looking for a one-stop resource for their patients.

Here is just some of the feedback received so far:
"I love DiabetesCare. net…I am referring all of my patients to the website." - Natalie E. Lomazov RD, CDE, La Mesa, CA

"My business is providing home delivered medications and supplies. However, my passion is helping people live better lives. DiabetesCare. net is by far the best resource for information I have found that I can share with patients and caregivers." - Michael Glass, VP-Business Development/Partner, Senior Respiratory Solutions, Inc.

"Now I refer my diabetes support group participants to this site." - Nancy Yergin, MS, RD, LDN, Penn State Extension - Forest County

"This is a great resource for anyone that you know that may have diabetes!" - Ignite Fitness South Lake, Clermont, FL, Via Facebook, Feb. 11, 2010

In addition, DiabetesCare. net was reviewed and selected by KillerStartups. com – Feb. 12, 2010.

Unlike other diabetes websites that give their visitors occasional news about the latest trends in diabetes, some recipes and perhaps a few basics about managing their disease, DiabetesCare. net instead focuses on daily breaking news showcasing the latest trends and studies on the disease, plus offers helpful tools to engage visitors in not only managing their diabetes, but also showing them all the daily progress they are making.

DiabetesCare. net’s tools include a Nutrition Tracker, with newly refined and easier searching functionality for its large 37,000 food items database for tracking daily food intake and carbohydrates consumed; an Exercise Tracker that tracks over 80 different daily exercise activities for visitors; a Blood Glucose Tracker, and a BMI (Body Mass Index) Calculator.

And coming soon, an overall “Health Assessment” tool will be added to DiabetesCare. net’s library of tools to help its visitors work towards a healthier overall lifestyle.

Active daily with its growing audience via social marketing outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, DiabetesCare. net also has active blogs and forums to encourage dialogue amongst visitors in an effort to foster sharing, understanding and knowledge of their disease, which according to the American Diabetes Association’s 2007 Fact Sheet, afflicts 23.6 million children and adults in the United States or 7.8% of the population.

DiabetesCare. net also features diabetic recipes for its visitors -- a key component for them as they look for ways to manage their diabetes -- plus helpful short - and long-form videos with tips for people living with diabetes and much more.

Lastly, DiabetesCare. net, complete with a medical panel that regularly reviews the material on the website and suggests improvements to its tools, is free to all users and contains no commercial advertising whatsoever, which means no bias, just useful information and support.

For more information about DiabetesCare. net, visit the website now at www. DiabetesCare. net, or contact Managing Editor/Webmaster Mike Boyle at 866-503-6637. 

About Food Sciences Corporation:
Food Sciences Corporation’s goal is to research, design and manufacture functional products and develop comprehensive programs that enable our business partners to deliver high-quality, life-changing care to their consumers.

For over 30 years, our business support staff has assisted national corporations, hospital networks, physician practices, medical clinics and others to grow their businesses. From business planning and operational support to product and program development to marketing solutions, we provide an exceptional level of service responsiveness to our customers.
