Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What's Your Story? Everyone has one. Uncover your story with this provocative online course

What's Your Story? Everyone has one. Uncover your story with this provocative online course.

Can you write a story of your life in just 20 lessons? This innovative course leads you through the steps necessary to begin detailing your unique tale. So what is your story?

(PRWEB) October 18, 2003

James W. Pennebaker, PhD author Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions, had this to say about the course:

"Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Your Own" s a creative and thoughtful guide to self-understanding. In 20 lessons, she takes the students' hands and leads them through a series of exercises that deal with family, spirituality, health, the future and the past, and other topics central to human existence. This is a very nice journaling project that could be helpful for millions.

Create a book about your life.

In the journaling ~ scrapbooking course Writing for Life, Rev. Sandra Schubert guides you to create a book about YOUR LIFE using techniques such as journaling, morning pages, scrapbooking, meditations, and gentle exercises. Here are some of the things explored on this sacred journey:

· Finding your authentic self, using journal writing and scrapbooking techniques.

· Expressing your life story for yourself and generations to come.

· Examining your birth, childhood, love, work, spirit and healing.

· Self-discovery and self-healing through journaling and scrapbooking.

· Unlocking and expressing creativity in a healing and fun way.

At course end, you will have created a book of your own unique tale and built a foundation for writing for life. Affordably priced at $16.95.