Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dean Ramsden presents "THE ENERGETICS OF TRANSFORMATION" seminar on energy healing and the aura in FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 3-5

Dean Ramsden presents "THE ENERGETICS OF TRANSFORMATION" seminar on energy healing and the aura in FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 3-5

Former Class Dean of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Dean Ramsden will teach a powerful new model of the Aura and the Chakras over the Labor Day weekend in South Florida. This seminar is of interest to Reiki, Healing Touch, and other healing practitioners, as well as psychotherapists or any individual interested in personal growth and improving their relationships. Dean Ramsden teaches "The Energetics of Transformation" seminars worldwide.

(PRWEB) August 6, 2004

This seminar presents a detailed overview of Relational Energy Healing in an intensive, full-weekend format. Newcomers to energy healing and veterans alike will leave this seminar with a profound new understanding of the aura and how it affects our relationships with others.

Presenting a sophisticated developmental map of the ten power centers or chakras, Dean will teach how we grow into healthy or unhealthy relationships with others, and how we can heal and change. The seminar will also focus on the phenomena of chakra cords, or the invisible ties we have to others, especially those close to us. Both practical and informative, "The Energetics of Transformation" will show how to move your life to the next level: to have the relationships and the life you have always longed to live.

This seminar will be held at Capalupa Studios, 2831 E. Commercial Blvd in Fort Lauderdale. The opening lecture is Friday September 3 from 7 PM - 9.30 PM and is open to the public ($15 payable at the door). The entire seminar is $235 if pre-registered, or $275 at the door. For more information, or to register, please visit Dean Ramsden online: http://www. deanramsden. com/ (http://www. deanramsden. com/) or email dean@deanramsden. com or call toll-free 800-592-0078

Dean Ramsden will be offering an additional healing skills class for trained healers or healer students, on Monday September 6. Cost: $125. Call for more details, or view online: http://www. deanramsden. com/Wet_Lab_1.htm (http://www. deanramsden. com/Wet_Lab_1.htm)

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