Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Faith and Hope in a Difficult World

Faith and Hope in a Difficult World

So You Think This is GodÂ’s Will? By Nolan Piper - Nolan Piper isn't challenging his faith. He isn't questioning his belief in Christ - or his belief in salvation and eternal life. But he does have some questions - and he asks them boldly and straight-forwardly in his book, So You Think This Is God's Will?

(PRWEB) November 7, 2004

Piper himself contracted cancer in the mid-1990s. He survived, and emerged with a clean bill of health, but in the process, he also learned one of life's very difficult lessons about the fleeting nature of the human existence. A few years later, the lesson hit home even harder: Piper's beloved brother, Trev, also contracted cancer and died in the early days of 1999.

Piper, as he readily acknowledges, was devastated by his brother's death. He has spent much of his time since reflecting on life and the nature of faith and the questions he asks in So You Think This Is God's Will? are those that all of us would ask under the same circumstances: Why - and to what purpose?

Piper, born and raised in British Columbia and now living in Kitchener, Ontario with his wife and three children, has not had his faith shaken. In fact, his faith is stronger than ever - and if there is a message in So You Think This Is God's Will?, it is this: That life, no matter its hardships, is best lived with faith, hope, love and wisdom.

This book makes a very strong case for living life on those very terms. It is dedicated, with love, to his brother.

ISBN 0-9736378-0-3

$14.95 CDN

To Order: www. southink. com or www. volpub. com or 1-888-571-2665

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