Monday, September 24, 2007

Baby Boomers Inspired to "Do the Do" After Downloading Free Fitness Book

Baby Boomers Inspired to "Do the Do" After Downloading Free Fitness Book

Joe Blumenstein's new book is all about getting Baby Boomers to give up sedentary living in favor of a lifelong commitment to activity, wellness and happiness.

Pembroke Pines, FL (PRWEB) March 23, 2009

The new book "Get Off Your A** and Do Something!" has struck a chord with the Baby Boomer audience. In less than two weeks from its initial release - a release without traditional marketing support - the free book has been downloaded more than 2,000 times. Author Joe Blumenstein (http://joeblumenstein. com) opted for a viral marketing effort during the initial launch because he strongly believes people will respond to his message.

"It's pretty simple: I want to help people," says Blumenstein, owner of JOEBEES® all-natural, free range bee pollen®. "I think when your intentions are aligned with the needs of your readers, the word spreads quickly."

In a time when business owners are looking for ways to cut costs and increase revenue, Blumenstein has opted for an unconventional marketing approach by giving his book away for free (http://joebeesbooks. com).

"I'm not crazy; I think I'm more sane than most when it comes to understanding my audience," Blumenstein says. "They're looking for a bright light in an otherwise dark time in our history. I think giving them something for free - something that will help them reclaim their vibrancy - is the ONLY decent thing to do.

"Instead of sitting around the house mired in the latest round of bad news," continues Blumenstein, "I'm encouraging people to get off their butts and do something - 'do the do' - so they can feel good about themselves (http://joebees. com)."

The book has reached number four in the Baby Boomer category on amazon. com's Kindle Bookstore for downloadable book formats. Blumenstein says that while the viral effort is working so far, he intends to employ some internet marketing techniques to continue spreading the word.

"We're investigating several affiliate opportunities, as well as social marketing efforts via Twitter (http://twitter. com. com/joebees) and Facebook," says Blumenstein. "We're very excited about the initial response and can't wait to get our book into the hands of as many people as possible because we know it will change lives."

The book is currently available to download for free at JOEBEES Bookstore (http://joebeesbooks. com) and amazon. com.


JOEBEES. com is a progressive, natural health e-tailer focused on providing health solutions in a responsible manner. The flagship product, JOEBEES, is available online in one - to six-month supply increments. Joe Blumenstein (aka Joe B.) personally oversees the operation and offers an unconditional 100% money back guarantee. JOEBEES is based in Pembroke Pines, FL, USA. Visit joebees. com for additional information or contact Joe directly at joe (at) joebees (dot) com.

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