Thursday, June 26, 2008

Natural vs. Commercial Health Remedies

Natural vs. Commercial Health Remedies

How Many Sick People Only Take One Pill For ailments? Is There A Better Way To Prevent And Cure Sickness? Alternative Herbal Medicine Works Naturally to Help Prevent And Cure.

Zachary, LA (PRWEB) November 6, 2005

There seems to be no end to the amount of pills available for almost every known sickness. Many people who have a prescription medicine seem to need 1 or 2 more prescriptions to counteract the side affects of the one given to remedy the problem.

Is there a better way to prevent and cure without all these side affects? At http://www. nativeremedies. com/index. shtml? img=126&kbid=1972 (http://www. nativeremedies. com/index. shtml? img=126&kbid=1972) We think there is a better way.

“Comprehensive, continuing family health care is the best health value going," according to AAFP's president Douglas Henley, M. D., of Fayetteville, NC.

Natural Remedies work with the body to prevent and cure such ailments as:ADHD/ADD, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, OCD, autism, diabetes, menopause, blood pressure, prostate, thyroid, UTI/Bladder Infections, asthma, allergies, weight loss, body detox and many more.

At http://www. nativeremedies. com/index. shtml? img=126&kbid=1972 (http://www. nativeremedies. com/index. shtml? img=126&kbid=1972) the belief in Natures cures and prevention is a guarantee of this.

For More Information contact:

Native Remedies LLC,

2845 SW 22nd Avenue,

Suite 107 Delray Beach,

Florida 33445
